Did Homer Simpson Ruin Pork for Bodybuilders?
I just went on a full on diatribe with one of my buddies who’s also pretty big into fitness about the validity of pork when dieting and thought you could back me up. You see many people don’t realize that pork chops, pork loin, and pork tenderloin are all as lean if not LEANER than many other cuts of chicken. PLUS, for those budget minded folks, it’s usually cheaper than chicken breasts (the official meat of dieting bodybuilders)… Before you chime in with what your thoughts are, hear me out on why I think pork’s got such a shitty rep. Homer Simpson, albeit a cartoon character, embodies the quintessential fat American dad. And he has a reputation for loving two foods: donuts and pork chops. Donuts are obviously delicious but void of any nutritional value. But pork chops??? What the hell?! Why must they suffer this unjustified reputation?! Dont let this nonsense fool you: pork chops, pork loin, and pork tenderloins are a PERFECT match for anyone wanting to lean up while enjoying tasty grilled meats. I wanna know what you think..is pig a go or a no-go when dieting down??? Don’t forget your daily check in! Hands up…KEEP FIGHTING!!!!