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314 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Lift Where You Stand
Let's spend less time on "If only I had..." and more time on "Because I have..." What's your "Because" statement? Share in the comments (I'll go first)
New comment 41m ago
Lift Where You Stand
1 like • 1h
@Rosa Medina not news to the rest of us
2 likes • 1h
Because I have a lot to share with my people
I took longer than I wanted, but I got more out of it.
(Im expanding this into a full course, posted here for free, grab the first part here! As I finally roll out the funnel for my first offer a month ago, having taken the webinar and the offer through several testing stages, and I get ready to finish my challenge opt in, I find myself thinking about how it took me 4 times longer than I had proposed myself. Frankly, I didn't expect to spend so much time testing the different stages of the process, but I'm glad I did. I got together a focus group, and I actually chatted with them and held several zooms where I walked them through the 5-step breakdown of a basic funnel you can start implementing today: 1. Awareness – This is where your potential customers first learn about your product or service. Use social media, blog posts, and ads to grab their attention. 2. Interest – Now that they know who you are, it’s time to engage them. Provide value through content like webinars, lead magnets, or email sequences. The goal here is to keep them interested in what you offer. 3. Decision – This is the moment your prospect decides if they’re going to buy. Offer compelling testimonials, product demos, and limited-time discounts to guide them towards a “yes!” 4. Action – This is the step where they actually make the purchase. Your job here is to make the buying process smooth. Make sure your checkout process is simple and secure. 5. Retention – Don’t forget about your customers after the sale! Use follow-up emails and loyalty programs to keep them coming back. Repeat customers are just as important as new ones. Here’s the takeaway: A funnel is about guiding your audience through each stage of the buyer’s journey. Start simple, then optimize as you go. 👉 Which stage of your sales funnel do you think needs the most attention right now? Let me know in the comments!
New comment 5h ago
I took longer than I wanted, but I got more out of it.
1 like • 5h
@Natalia Eyzaguirre I didn't! I put out a few posts asking if they had the problem I could solve, and then I invited them to a zoom with me. I obviously had to work between each stage to prepare the next one. Have you checked out the first two posts ive shared about the subject?
0 likes • 5h
@Kathy Bee Hampton Thanks! I'm about to launch it in english!
[💣 Free course pt. 1] 👁️ Awareness Stage
Design Your Buyer's Journey This is a knowledge heavy post, the first of many. I would love it if you could leave your feedback below! My post about the five stages of building and proofing a good quality funnel that gives your audience a wonderful experience got some solid interest, so I want to dive into this a bit more. AWARENESS The Awareness stage is where potential customers first encounter your product or service. This is the top of the marketing funnel, and it sets the tone for the entire buyer’s journey. At this stage, your ideal customers may not even realize they have a problem, much less know that your product or service can solve it. Your goal is to capture attention and create curiosity, positioning yourself as someone who offers solutions to a specific problem or desire. Why Awareness is Crucial: Dan Kennedy, Russell's mentor and legendary direct-response marketer (just in case you're new here), emphasizes that without attention, nothing else matters. No matter how great your product or service is, if nobody knows about it, you won’t sell. Kennedy often focuses on grabbing attention through clear, direct, and compelling messaging, using techniques like strong headlines and bold claims. Seth Godin, marketing guru and author of “Purple Cow,” takes a different approach to reach a similar outcome, advocating for remarkable marketing, which is to make something worth talking about. According to Godin, in a crowded market, if your product doesn’t stand out in a way that people remember, you’ll blend into the noise. He promotes the idea that being different, bold, and memorable creates the kind of awareness that drives organic word-of-mouth marketing. I've always heard Russell Brunson talking about how the awareness stage is the first step in creating a relationship with your audience. He emphasizes the importance of knowing exactly who your audience is and where they hang out online. His strategies often involve putting content where your ideal customers already spend time—whether that’s social media, YouTube, or blog sites—and offering a quick win (like a free resource or valuable content) to capture their attention. He literally wrote Traffic Secrets about this, you should read it!
New comment 7h ago
[💣 Free course pt. 1] 👁️ Awareness Stage
1 like • 7h
@Kathy Bee Hampton happy to help! part 3 and 4 dropping today!
OMG OMG OMG➡️➡️ Going to Selling Online LIVE
😱😱😱😱😱😱 Yesterday was such a CRAZY day!!! I had my first membership class (starting the Delivery of my offer) and 20min before I learned I was invited LIVE for SOL. People kept caliing me bc so dumb me I did not make the public announce of my membership until yesterday to my fb, and some extra people wanted in. I Am soooooooooooo Happy! You have no idea… I literal y cried 😭😭yesterday, tires of joy 100 % both because I got invited and at the same time a bit of pride because I just made my first 2K FROM TAKING ACTION on las month’s event, and THAT will pay for the trip! 🤩🤩🤩🤩 HUGE shout out to the teammates going!! And HUGE THANKS to all of this Community, @Russell Brunson and his team for making this posible!!😭😃🤓
New comment 9h ago
OMG OMG OMG➡️➡️ Going to Selling Online LIVE
1 like • 20h
@Rosa Medina for the potato gun!!
0 likes • 19h
you know they love our dulces tipicos too, but that might be a little harder
[💣 Free course pt. 2] 👁️ Build Awareness
Part 2 of my stages to a successful funnel series, check out part one at the bottom. In the Awareness stage, it’s all about standing out and making your brand memorable in the minds of your audience. You need to cut through the noise and capture the attention of people who may not know they have a problem or that your solution exists. Your content must spark interest, engage quickly, and deliver value upfront. I want to share some things I've learned from Alex Hormozi and Gary Vee, as I think they might be kings of attention getting tactics. If you don't know him yet, Alex Hormozi is known for his no-nonsense approach to business growth, focuses on making bold, attention-grabbing offers that stand out in crowded markets. He often speaks about the importance of being direct and high-value from the outset. Gary Vee advocates for content-driven marketing and creating endless value for your audience. He pushes the idea of becoming so valuable that your audience feels compelled to engage with you. Gary pushes the need to show up consistently on multiple platforms to build a deep connection with your audience over time. Use an Irresistible Hook For Your Offer: Hormozi is a master at creating irresistible offers that grab immediate attention, as highlighted by his book's titles starting with "100 Million Dollar Offers/Leads". He argues that the key to standing out in the Awareness stage is to offer something that your audience simply cannot say no to. This could be a bold promise, a free resource, or a huge value offer that immediately addresses a pain point or desire. Hormozi often says: “You don’t have an audience problem, you have an offer problem.” This means that your offer has to be so good that people feel stupid saying no to it. During the Awareness stage, focus on creating an offer that is high-value and low-risk to the consumer. DO IT YOURSELF: Create a lead magnet that directly solves one of your audience’s biggest pain points for free. It should be something that immediately provides tangible value, such as a detailed checklist, eBook, or free training. Make sure the offer is simple, direct, and easy to understand—no complicated funnels or multi-step processes at this point.
New comment 17h ago
[💣 Free course pt. 2] 👁️ Build Awareness
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