I took longer than I wanted, but I got more out of it.
(Im expanding this into a full course, posted here for free, grab the first part here! https://www.skool.com/prime-mover/free-course-pt-1-design-your-buyers-journey?p=2addd227)
As I finally roll out the funnel for my first offer a month ago, having taken the webinar and the offer through several testing stages, and I get ready to finish my challenge opt in, I find myself thinking about how it took me 4 times longer than I had proposed myself.
Frankly, I didn't expect to spend so much time testing the different stages of the process, but I'm glad I did. I got together a focus group, and I actually chatted with them and held several zooms where I walked them through the 5-step breakdown of a basic funnel you can start implementing today:
1. Awareness – This is where your potential customers first learn about your product or service. Use social media, blog posts, and ads to grab their attention.
2. Interest – Now that they know who you are, it’s time to engage them. Provide value through content like webinars, lead magnets, or email sequences. The goal here is to keep them interested in what you offer.
3. Decision – This is the moment your prospect decides if they’re going to buy. Offer compelling testimonials, product demos, and limited-time discounts to guide them towards a “yes!”
4. Action – This is the step where they actually make the purchase. Your job here is to make the buying process smooth. Make sure your checkout process is simple and secure.
5. Retention – Don’t forget about your customers after the sale! Use follow-up emails and loyalty programs to keep them coming back. Repeat customers are just as important as new ones.
Here’s the takeaway: A funnel is about guiding your audience through each stage of the buyer’s journey. Start simple, then optimize as you go.
👉 Which stage of your sales funnel do you think needs the most attention right now? Let me know in the comments!
Robert Macbeth
I took longer than I wanted, but I got more out of it.
Selling Online / Prime Mover
Discover the secrets of how to Sell Online and step into your calling as a Prime Mover with Russell Brunson!
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