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Selling Online Kick Off is happening in 5 days
Welcome, Prime Movers! You are now part of an exclusive community of driven, entrepreneurial minds who are not just aiming for success but are determined to change the world. This is our corner of the internet, a place where your ambitions are understood, your achievements celebrated, and your potential can be unleashed. In this community, you'll find a diverse group of high achievers who, like you, are pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Ready to dive in? Here’s your first mission… Unlock your Next Level by gaining 5 points so you can: - Create Posts - DM Members - Unlock HOURS of Courses Start by introducing yourself to the community below! This isn't the time to sit on the sidelines. It’s time to step up and take action. Here's how to do it: 1. Scroll down to the comment area and type an introduction to yourself. 2. Comment on 3 people's introductions. 3. Like 2 people's comments. Share a little bit about yourself and answer these questions: - Who are you? - What are you trying to sell (NO links or pitches)? - What has stood in your way of success? - Share an interesting, random, or noteworthy fact about yourself. PRO TIP: As you interact, you'll earn additional points which will unlock the ability to Post and DM other members, as well as potentially unlock additional gifts. Share - provide valuable support and climb the leaderboard to prove you are a Prime Mover. Get the FULL WALKTHROUGH of the community & what you can unlock here!
New comment 2m ago
[Emotional Release Techniques] Meditation and Mindfulness 🧘‍♀️
Meditation and mindfulness can be powerful tools for releasing trapped or difficult emotions. They help create space for self-awareness, allowing us to process feelings in a non-judgmental and compassionate way. Here are some effective techniques to try: 1. Body Scan Meditation - Purpose: To bring awareness to physical sensations and detect where emotions are held in the body. - How to practice: - Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths. - Start by focusing on your toes and gradually move your attention upwards through the body, scanning for tension, discomfort, or sensations. - As you notice areas of tension, breathe into them and gently allow the tension to soften. - If emotions arise, acknowledge them without judgment and observe how they feel in the body. - Continue the scan until you've reached the top of your head. 2. Mindful Breathing - Purpose: To calm the mind and connect with emotions. - How to practice: - Sit in a quiet space, with your back straight and eyes closed. - Focus your attention on your breath. Notice the sensation of air moving in and out of your nostrils or the rise and fall of your chest. - As emotions arise, direct your attention to them while continuing to breathe deeply. - Rather than resisting the emotion, stay present with it and observe how it evolves. You can label the emotions in your mind (e.g., "anger," "sadness") and then let them pass without clinging to or suppressing them. 3. Loving-Kindness Meditation (Metta) - Purpose: To foster compassion for yourself and others, which can help release negative emotions. - How to practice: - Sit comfortably and close your eyes. - Start by silently repeating kind, loving phrases towards yourself, such as "May I be happy, may I be healthy, may I be safe, may I live with ease." - Once you feel comfortable, extend these wishes to others, starting with loved ones, then neutral people, and finally, even to those you have conflicts with. - Allow any feelings of resentment, anger, or sadness to soften as you cultivate kindness and compassion.
New comment 35m ago
🌟 Wednesday Wisdom: Push Through & Power Up! 🌟
Happy Wednesday, Kings and Queens! 👑 The middle of the week is where champions are made. Monday brought the momentum, but by now, the grind can start to feel real. But listen up—this is where you separate yourself from the pack. While everyone else is coasting, you’re rising, pushing, and conquering. This isn’t the time to hit cruise control; it’s time to step on the gas and make sure you finish the week stronger than you started. Here’s the thing: Wednesdays are like halftime in the game of life. You’ve gotten a taste of what the week’s thrown at you, and now you’ve got the opportunity to shift the energy, refocus, and turn up the heat.🔥 Whether you’re riding the high of Monday’s motivation or feeling a bit off track, today is the perfect chance to pivot, adapt, and show up like the King or Queen you are. Let’s break it down: - Goals: Check in. Are you on track with what you set out to do this week? If not, that’s cool—adjust. This isn’t about perfection, it’s about progress. There’s still plenty of time to make some serious moves. - Challenges: We know they’re coming, and guess what? You were built for them. The middle of the week is where you can shift your perspective. Challenges aren’t roadblocks—they’re stepping stones. Use them to your advantage. - Dreams: Remember that big, bold vision you had at the start of the week? Don’t lose sight of it. Wednesday is the perfect moment to recommit to those dreams, to breathe life back into them. You didn’t come this far to play small. Here’s how we’re going to OWN the rest of the week: 1. Check Your Focus: What’s distracting you? What can you let go of to make room for what really matters? Midweek is the perfect time to refocus your energy. 2. Step Up Your Game: Push just a little harder today. Do one thing that scares you. Take that action you’ve been putting off. It’s that one extra move that sets you apart. 3. Celebrate Small Wins: Maybe you’ve been grinding all week, but haven’t taken a second to appreciate the progress you’ve made. Stop and give yourself credit—those small wins add up to big victories. 4. Fuel Up: Whether it’s mental, physical, or emotional—take care of yourself. A true King or Queen knows that energy is everything. Do what you need to recharge and refocus, so you can finish the week like a boss.
New comment 1h ago
🌟 Wednesday Wisdom: Push Through & Power Up! 🌟
🎤🐱 There's a Singing Cat in Skool? ?!
The cat: 🎶 As I walk through the valley of the shadow of deathI take a look at my life and realize there's nothin' left'Cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long thatEven my momma thinks that my mind is gone. . . Isn't it funny how mentors can reveal the most unexpected secrets? Who knew Skool had a pet?! 🐱 I mean, I wasn't exactly lying awake at night pondering the musical talents of virtual felines, but here we are! 😂 💡But here's the real takeaway: Mentors have this incredible knack for showing us things we didn't even know we were missing, and unlock doors we didn't even know existed. So, always be open to learning and guidance—you never know what amazing discoveries await when you have the right person by your side! ➡️➡️➡️Did you know we had a pet?
11 members have voted
New comment 2h ago
🎤🐱 There's a Singing Cat in Skool? ?!
Urgent: need YOUR review on this funnel copy This is a sales page I wrote for one of my clients, and I really need your feedback. (Especially on the story... I don't know if the sales page is clear and the story compelling enough to make the reader buy...) I wonder if I'm talking too much about Bart and not about the reader... Can y'all give some general and specific feedback about the headlines, leads, and story? It's my first big project for my client, and I genuinely want to bring him results (I work on a commission-based deal ;)) I still have to run some parts through GPT though... The sales page is translated from Dutch, so beware of potential mistakes Thanks in advance. Love, WW
New comment 2h ago
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