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17 contributions to KetoforCancer
Prevent your mitochondria from "breaking bad"!
As we have a lots of new members since last time I talked about it and since the RockSolid movie on the channel is already some months ago, I'd like to repost this video once again. Yes, maybe some of you will be annoyed but I think this has to be understood properly: Excess Omega 6s will damage your mitochondria, and that is probably the reason 1) That some of you got cancer in the first place (below 70, no alcohol&smoking) and 2) Cancer recurrence exists, even after a super successful surgery. (Not only do Omega 6s directly damage the Cardiolipin, there is a whole host of other compounds that our body turns into highly toxic compounds when eaten in excess, like HNE or Aldehyde) Is there proof for this in humans? Well, maybe you have heard of chinese women that get lung cancer in rising numbers, despite not being smokers? Cooking oils! Or maybe you heard of the rising cancer rate in the youth? Due to the now "en vogue" vegan diet, all the fats come from plants! Everybody should read the paper about the connection of seed oils on cardiolipin structure in this paper here - I don't think that the researchers expected such results themselves, otherwise they would have had a 3rd group with a moderate amount of sunflower oil: ... and then watch the RockSolid diet movie, and maybe have a good laugh :-) The ebook with he sources I took all the linoleic acid values from is also in the classroom: In the video, I talk about a max of 10 grams a day. That is an average for both sexes. For men with cancer, the limit should rather be 7-8 grams, for women, 5-6 grams. Lower is better! A quick overview calculator is here,
New comment 3h ago
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Thanks for sharing the movie @Johnny Rockermeier - I have seen it before but handn’t absorbed it as well as I did this time. and I didn’t put two and two together until now that it was you who made it. 😄 It must have taken a lot of work to put all that together! I’ll download the spreadsheet and work through it over the week end, thank you so much! I have a few questions regarding fruit and vegetables and growth factors in certain fruits and veggies that I have heard - once you have cancer may be counter productive. For example - I understand that there is a hypothesis that anti oxidants can be harmful if you have metastatic cancer and vegetables like broccoli may contribute to unwanted growth factors - If anyone has further information on this I would be very grateful to read it. Prof cooper has one patient in remission who is living mostly off pork belly, so that’s confusing me! However she may be consuming the correct amount or omega 3 with a lot of fish capsules or something.. Luckily I watched your movie as I was planning to cook pork belly on Sunday! It’ll be lamb instead!
Don't miss the newest MetCancer Interview with Dom!
Watch it here, enjoy! Thanks Vince for the great Interview and questions!
New comment 4d ago
Don't miss the newest MetCancer Interview with Dom!
3 likes • 5d
Nice interview Vince. There were some really great details in there from Dominic - A lot of great content to digest and process. Well done!
New Member
Hi members. I am battling a spinal tumor that keeps regrowing after surgeries or radiation. I am interested to lean about the keto diet with the hope of stopping or slowing down further regrowth. To complicate matter I have been diagnosed with Fructose Mal absorption.Otherwise I am in good health.
New comment 14h ago
2 likes • 5d
Welcome Rob, I am sure you will be successful with your health journey! For many reasons a high fat carnivore diet makes a lot of sense - I switched a few weeks ago, also had the same opinion that it would be a drastic change. Actually I have found it alot easier than I thought. You can make delicious food. I eat within a 5-6 hour window and try to get between 2000 and 2500 calories in that window. The main reason is to maintain your muscle mass and reserves so that when you do fast and restrict calories you have the reserves to do so. Keto diet is great and may well work for you! If you can exercise and meditate, lots of red light therapy and epson salt Bath regularly. Here’s some helpful advice I have been given by experts and that I follow. I hope it’s helpful. Get in the sun as much as you can but don’t burn Get your bare feet in the ground as much as you can. (Negative Ions are good for the body) Wear blue light glasses after 5pm - bed time Eat high fat carnivore diet Get your micro biome checked Consult with a nutritionalist to work out the right diet for you. Get a keto mojo device! Exercise and build muscle if you can. Red light therapy 15 minutes 3 times per day Drink properly filtered water or from glass bottles - scrap tap water and plastic bottles High dose of Melatonin 180mg per day (consult your physician) Get as much sleep as you can Accupuncture Mototoxin free coffee Natural soaps and tooth paste Make sure your supplements have no binders and other nasties in them. Eat raw fish egg supplement. Butyrate supplement for the gut health. Meditate often in the body Most important - develop and build your faith and assumption that you are destined to succeed.
Vincent (Metcancer) interviews Dr. D'Agostino! Questions?
So Vincent is going to interview Dr. Dominic D'Agostino, he just sent an email out to his members if they have questions! How about you guys pose some questions as well, I will pack them up and send, say 5-7 to Vincent, maybe he will indeed ask them! So what do you want to know from Dr. Dom? :-)
Complete action
New comment 4d ago
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@Fitch T I’m wondering about high pass ozone? It would be interesting to hear Dom’s thoughts on that as it may be easier for many to access. But perhaps there are issues..
0 likes • 8d
@Vincent Gledhill Thanks so much for your input on this. Yes I agree with your point. I suppose I’m trying to understand if the length of time in theraputic ketosis prior to pulse protocol would ultimately be far more powerful in the long run..more research needed I think. It very hard to be patient in such situations!
Addition to the Omega 6 Calculator: Avocado!
As it seems that avocado is quite popular in the keto scene, I added the fruit / veggie into my Omega 6 calculator here: Percentagewise, it is not that bad: 12,5% for the oil and 10,8% for the flesh, though those values should be the same. Maybe something happens during the processing. Different variations may have varying fatty acid compositions, so if you eat some from other countries, maybe look up studies about thoise specifically. Oil data: Fruit Data: These are the macros, as shown by cronometer: 77% fat, 19% carbs, 4% protein. I do not recommend eating avocados for the reason that it has lots of carbs. According to tue usda data, it's 8,6 grams of carbs per 100 grams. You can eat a different plant food that has 1/3 of that carb count, thus being able to eat 3 times as much. On the other hand, if you are struggling with weight and want a rather calorie dense veggie, yes maybe you can have an avocado. I also don't recommend it because it has Omega 6s, as all plant fats do. It is still very very low compared to everything else, 10,8-12,5% - but 200 grams will still give you an additional 3,3 grams of Omega 6. Especially for women with cancer (I would set the limit to 6-7 grams a day) this is a huge chunk already... and sometimes people like to eat avocado with eggs! In this very case, moderation is the key: 100 grams max a day, split up into 2 meals, okay. And if you wanna add eggs add some fishoil too! .-)
New comment 10d ago
Addition to the Omega 6 Calculator: Avocado!
3 likes • 10d
@Jason Wydro I’m very keen to discuss this further..
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Jamie Strachan
7points to level up
Hi, I’m Jamie, I’m a father of three with a wonderful wife and dog. I’m an artist and designer and ex pro skier.

Active 58m ago
Joined Aug 16, 2024
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