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Selling Online / Prime Mover

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Community Creators Club

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Skool Community

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The Skool Games

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Impact & Income w/Funnels

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'One To Many' Mastery

Private • 365 • Paid

Conversation Domination

Private • 238 • Paid

440 contributions to Selling Online / Prime Mover
Welcome, Prime Movers! You are now part of an exclusive community of driven, entrepreneurial minds who are not just aiming for success but are determined to change the world. This is our corner of the internet, a place where your ambitions are understood, your achievements celebrated, and your potential can be unleashed. In this community, you'll find a diverse group of high achievers who, like you, are pushing the boundaries of what's possible. Ready to dive in? Here’s your first mission… Unlock your Next Level by gaining 5 points so you can: - Create Posts - DM Members - Unlock HOURS of Courses Start by introducing yourself to the community below! This isn't the time to sit on the sidelines. It’s time to step up and take action. Here's how to do it: 1. Scroll down to the comment area and type an introduction to yourself. 2. Comment on 3 people's introductions. 3. Like 2 people's comments. Share a little bit about yourself and answer these questions: - Who are you? - What are you trying to sell (NO links or pitches)? - What has stood in your way of success? - Share an interesting, random, or noteworthy fact about yourself. PRO TIP: As you interact, you'll earn additional points which will unlock the ability to Post and DM other members, as well as potentially unlock additional gifts. Share - provide valuable support and climb the leaderboard to prove you are a Prime Mover. Get the FULL WALKTHROUGH of the community & what you can unlock here!
New comment 7m ago
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@Ernie Heyek man I just learned about Skool a little over a month ago…I went all in. The communities are amazing and I’m working on building and launching my own community pretty soon!
1 like • 3h
@Reg Reggie Welcome man! Look forward to learning and connecting as well! With what you have done over the past 22 years have you packaged up a training program that you would be able to show other brokers or agents how to achieve success with your foreclosure assistance program? Or do you already have an offer that you plan to sell online?
[FHL AHA MOMENTS] Russell Brunson - One-To-Many Selling (Part 2)
i'm headed back on stage - so let's keep it GOING! We've taken a 3 day event and compressed it down to 2 sessions! So if you loved the last session, just you watch how I break the 4th wall this time! Drop your BIGGEST 'AHA' moments, realizations & ideas... And Let's GO!!!
New comment 4h ago
[FHL AHA MOMENTS] Russell Brunson - One-To-Many Selling (Part 2)
0 likes • 6d
@Brandon Hunsaker yeah it gives me permission to suck at this at first lol
1 like • 4h
@Rovan Deon yes sir me too…I’ve got to remember…stick to the framework and follow the process…
Your Definite Purpose
"All success begins with definiteness of purpose, with a clear picture in your mind of precisely what you want in life." - Napoleon Hill Hey Everyone!!! I hope you're doing great today. I wanted to jump in and bring up question that I believe is the key to unlocking your success in any area of your life. It's what Napoleon Hill would call your "Definite Purpose." I posted a video below from me talking about discovering your Definite Purpose. Step #1 - Please take 2 minutes and watch the video right now Step #2 - Take some time to write out your Definite Purpose, and post it in the comments below. Step #3 - Read other people's Definite Purposes, and drop them some feedback and encouragement! Thanks everyone!! Russell Brunson P.S. - Here are some other AMAZING related Napoleon Hill quotes to help inspire your as you define your definite purpose: =========== "I don’t know why it is that when a man decides what he wants, the whole universe seems to come to his aid to see that he gets it." - Napoleon Hill =========== "The principle of psychology through which you can impress your definite chief aim upon your subconscious mind is called Autosuggestion, or suggestion which you repeatedly make to yourself. It is a degree of self-hypnotism…" - Napoleon Hill =========== "There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim. Ninety-eight out of every hundred of those whom I have analyzed, had no such aim. Perhaps this was the major cause of their failure." - Napoleon Hill =========== "Set your mind on a definite goal and observe how quickly the world stands aside to let you pass." - Napoleon Hill =========== "There are no limitations to the mind except those we acknowledge. Both poverty and riches are the offspring of thought." - Napoleon Hill =========== "Desire is the starting point of all achievement, not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire which transcends everything." - Napoleon Hill
New comment 3h ago
Your Definite Purpose
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@Naghma Mughul love it! I can’t wait to show my kids about online sales and marketing! When they are old enough 🙂
0 likes • 4h
@Leonila Pagunsan thank you! I’m constantly making progress… 🙂
[How to Get Anything You Want] - Emotional Cannon
Elsie Lincoln Benedict teaches us that we have a conscious mind and a subconscious mind. The conscious mind is the thoughts that we have, and the subconscious mind runs our PREDOMINANT MOODS. The Subconscious mind is like a cannon. Whatever our predominant mood is, will direct where this cannon is pointed. And the ammunition that we load this cannon with is our conscious thoughts. If your predominant mood is pessimistic in nature you may be shooting thoughts like this out of your cannon: - I'm never going to make it - I'm too fat - I'm not good enough - Everybody is out to get me - I can't afford that - I always fail, so why try? - I can't trust anyone - Why me? - Things will never get better - I don't deserve happiness - It's too late to change When you have a cannon pointing in this direction and thoughts like these blasting out of it and then wonder why you aren't happier, healthier, wealthier, successful, etc. you need to change the trajectory of your cannon. You cannot have what you are not building and creating in your mind first. As you start to get control over your subconscious mind, with some intentional training, you can change your PREDOMINANT MOOD to one of positivity and optimism. You will notice your thought will start to shift into thoughts like these: - I can learn from this - Things will get better - I control my attitude - There’s always something to be grateful for. - I’ve overcome challenges before, I can do it again. - Every day is a new chance - I trust that things will work out - Other people have good intentions. - I can make a difference. If you would like to learn to shift your PREDOMINANT MOOD, your thoughts, and therefore the results you get, I have created a PDF with some steps on how to do this. *This is a free tool I am offering to you guys, please don't share it with others, as it is my work that I have put into creating it. Thank you!
New comment 39m ago
2 likes • 15h
Its crazy to think about how much the words you tell/think to yourself matter...a shift in this can change everything!
0 likes • 5h
@Lea Ann Perkins exactly!
OMG OMG OMG➡️➡️ Going to Selling Online LIVE
😱😱😱😱😱😱 Yesterday was such a CRAZY day!!! I had my first membership class (starting the Delivery of my offer) and 20min before I learned I was invited LIVE for SOL. People kept caliing me bc so dumb me I did not make the public announce of my membership until yesterday to my fb, and some extra people wanted in. I Am soooooooooooo Happy! You have no idea… I literal y cried 😭😭yesterday, tires of joy 100 % both because I got invited and at the same time a bit of pride because I just made my first 2K FROM TAKING ACTION on las month’s event, and THAT will pay for the trip! 🤩🤩🤩🤩 HUGE shout out to the teammates going!! And HUGE THANKS to all of this Community, @Russell Brunson and his team for making this posible!!😭😃🤓
New comment 4h ago
OMG OMG OMG➡️➡️ Going to Selling Online LIVE
2 likes • 6h
That’s Awesome well deserved!
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Jon Pakula
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Firefighter turned Funnel Builder! Join our community at Challenger Syndicate, where Entrepreneurs are Mastering Funnels and Marketing to WIN the 2CC!

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