If you are a "CEO/Founder" of an agency or coaching biz or whatever you're doing, and you don't make at least a couple thousand per month, you are deluding yourself. If you "have a business" but you're making no money, what you actually have is a big problem, where you are getting dopamine from telling people about your awesome really cool business, instead of getting dopamine by signing clients and making money. You dont have a business, you are a glorified freelancer, at least until you're starting to make, let's say $3,000 per month. Remind yourself: $10k/mo isn't a lot of money. At that point, you're barely even playing the game of business. From what I've seen, properly "playing the game" starts at around $30k/mo. (I wouldn't know, I'm not there yet. Please do correct me if I'm wrong) Don't delude yourself, dont put 10k/mo on a pedestal like most people do.