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Skool Masterclass (Free)

Private • 88k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 186.3k • Paid

High Ticket Barbers Hub

Private • 1.3k • Free

The New Era Community

Private • 4.1k • Free

Rascals Education Community

Private • 4k • Free

Tomb45 Barber Skool

Private • 518 • Free

23 contributions to Skool Community
I just had the best idea for skool free community start up …
Skool currently has the options free or paid community. What if they had a third link like a landing page which would be a waiting list that would give us the time to build tge waiting list so when we process into paying skool $99 per month to host a free community. We could bring all of these traffic in and really quickly switch to paid, or upsell …that would insure more sign ups for future communities, minimising effort and sacrifice for the community owner having to pay 99 per month and being anxious. If he’s not going to get the traffic he is supposed to…Thoughts?
New comment Oct 16
Do you guys feel overwhelmed too when trying to start a community?
So basically I want to start a barbering community and I said okay I have a Grand Slam offer okay read 100 million leads and how to promote it okay but then towards the product creation part … I broke everything down to haircuts ,tools, introduction, steps etc. but then I’m trying to fill in the context and my brain lags… Because I know how to get here, but I’m not on the educatorso this feels weird… Do you guys ever felt the same too?
New comment Oct 8
0 likes • Oct 8
@Ryan Schrope true
1 like • Oct 8
@Jade Jemma basically I have walked the talk and I can provide value and I can provide too much value to be honest at the €10 per month. I want to make this perfect so it goes from mouth-to-mouth getting it perfect has to be a seamless process of learning that requires skill. That’s what I need to be focusing on the skill of educating seamlessly..
Hi, got 4 questions/recommendations for skool…
1.Affiliate program for our own community (our group members to bring in new members) 2. Gamification levels private group chat for each level… 3. Free trial for our new potential members 4.Tiered pricing options My question is are any of the available, and if not should we expect something in the future?
New comment Oct 11
2 likes • Oct 7
@Ayana Jarvismaybe on these qualified members you could message them one-to-one tell them. Hey I see you are one of my best members. I’m going to be hosting a new community that you get XYZ value for this price. If you pay 50 today you join a waiting list and gain your first month for free (saving 150$) and then maybe use that money to host a new community…
1 like • Oct 7
@Ayana Jarvis hey I checked your community a bit great mission the only thing I thought is a better icon so it looks more professional so I went ahead and created this for you
Even a free community is charged 99$/mo ?
So I’m a barber planning to do a free community, which will help barbers get their first clients and then Make them switch to a paid at €9.99 per month. Planning to do the paid one a year later does that mean if I start a free community from now I have to pay $1200 till then?
New comment Sep 15
1-10 of 23
Orestis Maska
52points to level up
I am 20 years old. I strive to open a business, but firstly I’m working 9 to 5 until I collect 50 to 100 K to invest and grow a business.

Active 18d ago
Joined Jun 4, 2024
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