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Don't Waste Your Precious Life

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3 contributions to Don't Waste Your Precious Life
what are you struggling with?
what are you currently struggling with in regards to your life? what would be valuable to you in this community that we're not currently offering?
New comment May 10
what are you struggling with?
2 likes • May 1
I'm currently struggling with knowing what I really want, where do I want to go, what kind of work and life I want to live and do but having hard time knowing it.
what's a desire partner?
one of the key features of this community is the desire partner system if you've ever struggled to follow through on your goals you may have tried finding an accountability buddy to keep you on track but the problem with typical accountability is that it relies on guilt and pressure which can make you dread checking in, especially when you fall short desire partners offer a different approach instead of holding you to account, your desire partner is there to explore to help you uncover the deeper desires driving your behavior and find the most aligned ways to meet those desires the focus is on curiosity and self-discovery, not judgment or punishment so you'll always look forward to connecting with your desire partner even and especially when you haven't met your goals because that's when you have the most to learn about what's really going on inside with the support of your desire partner you'll develop a more compassionate, insightful relationship with yourself and tap into the wisdom of your desires to fuel joyful, sustainable motivation if you're ready for a new approach to accountability one that leaves you feeling uplifted and inspired instead of guilty and ashamed then look below to see if you can find a desire partner or make a post, looking for a desire partner of your own
New comment Jun 27
what's a desire partner?
3 likes • May 1
That sounds super interesting. How someone can be desire pattern, I mean an efficient one? Do you've some sort of questions/guideline or framework to ask better questions so that the other one can get to learn more about themselves? Asking because I'm completely naive to this.
introduce yourself
what brings you here friend?
New comment 12d ago
introduce yourself
1 like • May 1
Hey everyone, Myself, Rishabh, from India. I'm a software developer turned into indie-maker. Faced many ups and downs in life so far. And this right now is the quite low period in my life but I will come back stronger, this is what I believe. Earlier, I used to be very super driven and passionate about everything in life and used to work 10hr+/day and used to be super energetic. But in the meanwhile, I lost my vision/passion and now struggling to connect with anything. Nothing seems quite meaningful and I kind of feel a disconnect with myself, what I truly want and my own story. This might feel weird but I think this is truth. I was/am lurking on Trinley's Twitter since I discovered about joyful motivation from him and learned for the first time in life that you can do things without guilt and shame. I didn't knew that there's world like this that exist. So, here to learn more about these lessons and myself and help others in any way I can. Thanks for making this community @Trinley Goldenberg and making me a part of it.
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Rishabh Garg
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Active 5d ago
Joined Apr 30, 2024
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