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5 contributions to Gentlemen´s Forge
Yo Gs, need so advice how to get higher testosterone like our ancestors. I’m 15, what should I do to help maximise this? Thanks.
New comment Jan 7
1 like • Jan 5
good advice and also add talking to strangers, builds up confidence . Cold approach people as much as possible
Strive for a Life Well Lived
As long as you're a man trying your hardest to make something of yourself in this life… (And I mean REALLY trying your hardest) Time will ALWAYS be your most valuable asset. Making money and hustling is fine… But never forget that time will always be more valuable than money You can always make more money, but you can’t make more time. I’m 35 years old... I’d say I probably have 10 more years of REALLY living life and going on mad adventures if I’m lucky… Let’s say I do 4 a year... That’s 40 adventures left! You should never feel guilty for enjoying experiences with your closest mates That’s one of the best things about being a guy You need to make the most of these unique masculine experiences Make the memories, forget them, and make them again… Money will come and go in this life. But experiences last forever. Always strive for a life well lived… That being said, where should we go next? 👀
New comment Dec '23
0 likes • Dec '23
@Luke Barnatt i sleep 4-5 hours. I am not able to sleep for some reason. And now after things ended with a girl , sleep doesn't matter. I guess god wanted me to work more hard
Dataset on The current trauma , loss and regret you are facing
God knows everything you say and he will test you whether you are true to your words or not. If you say I can't break down god will try to prove you wrong to check whether you are lying or not. When I say I can leave any girl who I care about if she is disrespectful , I can't break down, I have an iron will god tested it and I succeeded , the same thing happened with the tate. When you stick to your words till the end and never change your mind for others god will reward you after all the struggles and trauma you have gone through in the process.
New comment Feb 26
0 likes • Dec '23
@Osman Fadlalah i believe all gods
Live Life to Your Own Standards
As a man, leadership begins with having certain standards in life. A set of values you hold to yourself and others around you. Knowing what you stand for and sticking to it is essential. Demanding from the universe what you deserve is a cheat code to living a successful life. I wake up daily and connect with the universe, telling it who I am. It might seem odd to some, but this is me knowing my worth and not settling for less. It's a small thing, but it speaks volumes about how I approach life. Growing up, my mom was the same. She had her beliefs and didn't waver, even when others didn't understand. She taught me the value of being true to oneself. And it wasn't always easy, especially during times when we didn't celebrate like others, but it taught me resilience and the importance of personal integrity. In every aspect of life, whether it's work, relationships, or personal goals, you've got to set your bar high. I remember my days in fighting, I had so many people doubting me, laughing at my dreams, but I kept pushing. Not to prove them wrong, but because I believed in myself. I knew my worth, and I wasn't about to let anyone else define it for me. Money, fame, and external success can be great, but they're not the be-all and end-all. What truly matters is being genuine, looking deep inside yourself and deeply understanding who you are. If you're not setting the rules in your life, then who is? Who’s life standards are you living to? Your life is yours to live. Surround yourself with people who lift you up, not those who hold you back. And when you face challenges, Zoom out, remember your standards. Remember where you’re going, and the kind of man you are. In the end, setting and living by your standards is the true mark of a leader that can uplift and influence others to live life to their own standards.
New comment Dec '23
Live Life to Your Own Standards
0 likes • Dec '23
W post
5 mentorship slots open for 2024
Hey everyone, I hope you've had a chance to dive into the course and found it insightful. (If you haven’t checked it out yet, highly recommend giving it a watch) I’m going to be delivering more courses like this over the coming weeks within this community. I understand the struggle of not having a mentor, particularly when you're young, still figuring things out, or not quite where you want to be in life. That's why I've built this community - to connect with those of you who are real action takers, eager to embrace my guidance and grow. I'm looking to take 5 of you under my wing before January 1st, in line with the launch of my new 1-on-1 mentorship season. Since you've shown initiative, I'd like to offer you a chance to chat with my business partner. I want to understand how I can help you make big strides in the upcoming year. Our mentorship community is expanding rapidly, and with only 5 spots open for the pre-launch, it's a unique opportunity only for you guys within this community. If you're set to tackle 2024 with renewed clarity and purpose, book a call to see if you're a fit. Best, Luke
New comment Nov '23
1 like • Nov '23
What's the cost for the mentorship ?
1-5 of 5
Varun S
12points to level up
Varun Vaorg.

Active 42d ago
Joined Nov 21, 2023
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