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The Garden

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17 contributions to The Garden
Charging Season
We're in a bear market. Time to charge up. Time to turn inwards. Time to find the kingdom of God within you. It's not the time to be out there yet. It's not the time to bring knowledge to the world yet. It's time to acquire more wisdom. Download more wisdom. Experience more things. Consume the right things. Charge yourself like a battery. Take a powerbank with you. It's going to be a long trip. It's going to be a tough battle. I believe we are heading into the end of times. I believe the chosen ones need to take time now. I believe your Spirit knows that you're born for this time ahead. Work through traumas. Find God, because without his presence, the battle will be too hard. So I decided to float. Book a cabin in the woods and be silent. Going more inwards. Spend more time with yourself. Don't escape. Don't build new routines or try to make more money. STILLNESS.
New comment Dec '22
1 like • Dec '22
What made you smile today?
New comment Dec '22
What made you smile today?
1 like • Dec '22
@Dennis Heijnen This is very heartwarming. Count your blessings! The smallest things are the most precious things. 🙏
0 likes • Dec '22
@Jia Ruan aw zoet
Are there any people who have Adhd and if yes how is your experience around business like pros and cons?
New comment Dec '22
0 likes • Dec '22
All I can say is that you should embrace it. Adhd can even help you with your business. Risk-taking, impulsivity, sensation seeking, Hyper focus, Curiosity! If you start to understand your brain more, you would feel at ease. The only con is that you work against it instead of with it :):) Use a notebook for your brain dump and make time blocks and feel the pressure to finish a task within it. Best of luck! You can do it!
Has anyone tried carnivore or keto diet before? What were the positive and/or negative effects of sticking to that diet?
New comment Dec '22
1 like • Dec '22
@Xx Xx Keto diet, If you follow this diet correctly, you will reap the benefits. Start with low carb, otherwise, you will shock your body. This is a good website if you want to learn more about it. It also contains different approaches with different diets but also a lot of Yummy recipes. And also check Dr. Eric Berg DC on Youtube he explains a lot of health-related things and also stuff about the keto diet, very informative! Or Thomas DeLauer. You can even combine both diets ✌️
Signs that you are emotionally intelligent
Emotional intelligence, also referred to as EQ, is the capacity to be aware of, control, and express your emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically. - You don't beat yourself up for making mistakes This is because you know that making mistakes is an excellent way of learning. You stay positive and take that lesson with you for the rest of your life. - You tend to forgive people I bet you can name a hand full of people who have disrespected you, bullied you, not supported you, you name it. People who did the opposite of good to you. You are the only one who is able to break that energetic barrier that keeps you from being happy. Just by forgiving them for what they did and moving on. (read that again) This is not easy, I get that. If you experience difficulties and want advice, send me a message or read articles online. That should get you going for sure! :) - You are in tune with your emotions. For example, you’re able to recognize when situations are triggering a negative response in you, and you can think before you act, to avoid unhelpful, unhealthy reactions. I can’t stress this enough, this does not mean that you don’t feel any negative emotions, it does mean that you are able to guide your negative thoughts to self-assurance and take control over your response. - You show empathy to those around you. You can easily relate to others, you recognize how they are feeling based on their situation, and are able to provide just the comfort they need. You often make the right predictions to avoid causing hurt. - You express yourself assertively You are able to advocate for yourself in a respectful way. Opposing to aggressive people, who do not possess this sense of control. This quality you have shows self-respect and confidence. That's it for today. If you would like to add something to this, let me know in the comments! Love, peace and gratitude, Menno
New comment Dec '22
0 likes • Dec '22
Thank you for sharing @Menno Verleun EQ is really important too!
1-10 of 17
Yasmine Razzak
17points to level up
Creative entrepreneur with a heart for managing things. Always seeking connection people :)

Active 144d ago
Joined Nov 11, 2022
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