Apologies for delays. I truly am more ready for this to come out than you - I promise haha.
Airtable and live data integrations and some last minute requests are being worked on because they are in scope of release. Also testers have provided feedback on ease-of-use which I am implementing before release.
+ have been hiring, interviewing, scouting the past two days as well so we'll be solid there as well. If you know anyone, the only two roles I have left is Executive adminastrive assistant, potential another SWE, copywriter, and a bad ass video editor (emphasis on the bad ass part, example of what im looking for: https://www.tiktok.com/@orpnrof/video/7368576167072271649?_r=1&_t=8pDrrLcu2xD). annnnnnd for htose who want assistable hats, tshirt, and hoodies on us - let me know, new users will get them as a part of onboarding :)
So, the fuse is lit - im in the final stages the desk is a fort of red bull and we rockin' and rollin' baby. Im sending this shit ready or not tonight.