Weekly Q&A
Just watched back the weekly question section fair play Daniel going it alone again I’d love to be able to hop into the calls but it just doesn’t work out well for me with work.
One very interesting thing was at the end Kieran talking about your own self importance. I know I’m always willing to go above and beyond for work. If I’m needed to stay 5hours in work to do something even if it’s without pay or thanks I’d do it without a second thought having previously worked in a job where sometimes I’d work 60/65 hours a week while only getting paid for a normal 40hour but then I’m not as always as willing to commit that time to bettering myself and that’s an attitude thing that I’m working to change as part of the journey here. I’m sure I’m not alone here and sometimes I’m well aware of this but hearing it from someone else makes you be more actively aware than passively.
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Patrick Lally
Weekly Q&A
Better Body Transformation
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