Accountability Check in #2 (July 16th)
Thank you all for choosing yourself and contributing to the community! I know the CYC will continue to impact lives around the world so thank you for your support and assistance in doing so 🌱🌎
Resources discussed during check in:
🌟Podcast Episode 4 for the power of breath work
🌟 Cant Hurt Me by David Goggins for the power of the mental roledex and visualization
🌟 Headspace App for meditation assistance
🌟 Atomic habits for tips on habit stacking
Group Goals:
🌟 maximum 3 cheat meals between Friday (I made it easier)
  • Cheat meals consist of Fast food, junk food, fried food
🌟 No screens 30 min before and 30 min after sleep
Here is the link for session 2:
Hakeem Mcfarlane
Accountability Check in #2 (July 16th)
Choose Yourself Community
The CYC is dedicated to generating internal growth and personal discovery in order to strengthen the authenticity amongst humanity.
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