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Check in with the CYC is happening in 11 hours
Accountability Check in (9/10)
✨CONFIDENCE is a result of the consistency of your self commitments.✨ 🌟Do the internal work to begin to understand the narrative we tell ourselves in our head which dictates how we feel about the external world. 🌟Our Environment generates our thoughts which become our emotions followed by the action generated by how we feel in the moment. ✨Diana Zuniga was our guest today and shared an amazing story which i encourage everyone to review. She also shared her 3 steps to developing confidence: 1. Bringing awareness to the lack of confidence / Practice accountability for judging, complaining and blaming / Childhood reflection / 2. Change your thoughts and improve your self belief to change your emotions, then change your actions  3. Taking consistent action - SET THE FOUNDATION ! If you enjoyed Ms. Diana, tap into her instagram to stay connected! @dianaezuniga or click this link: 🗓️Next week we have one more chapter on confidence so lets work some of these new tactics into our week so we can grow together when we reflect together. 🏆Goals for the week: 1. practice Diana's 3 steps to confidence 2. Do one thing you are usually hesitant about 3. Set the foundation 4/7 days Review Growth Session ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ 🗣️CYC🐬 Gratitude - Keem
New comment 12d ago
Accountability Check In (8/27)
✨Comfort zone expansion starts with daily preparation to condition ourselves to be able to push through the fear🐬 Preparation techniques to push through fear: 🌟Cold Treatment / Cardio / Heavy weights / Fasting / Sprinting /Meditate / Breath work 🌟Evaluate fear, Evaluate results, hypothetically create a plan to deal with each situation 🌟Research stories about those who have done what you want to be doing 🌟Review last weeks session Goals for the week: 🌟Do not SNOOZE 🌟Exercise 4 times 🌟Research your fears Resources: Alysia's resources: IG - @thesourcejunkie Reels guide: Online store: 📖Material for content creation : 1. Jab, Jab , Hook - Gary Vee 2. Magnetic Marketing - Dan kennedy 📖Material for internal fearful dialogue : 1. Untethered Soul - Michael Singer 2. Living Untethered - Michael Singer 3. Beyond Fear - Miguel Angel Ruiz Review Growth Session ⬇️🐬⬇️🐬⬇️🐬⬇️🐬⬇️🐬
Foundation & Fear Check in (8/13)
Foundation Suggestions: -No Screens / Toxins / People -1 hour before sleep + sleep + 1 hour after sleep = YOUR FOUNDATION 🌙 Night Time Foundation Routine: - 10 positive reflections / 10 Gratitude entrys - Stretch / meditate / journal - read in bed until you fall asleep ☀️Morning Foundation Routine: -NO SNOOZE -cold water (face or shower) -Hygiene -Stretch -Meditate -Exercise -Review reflections -10 projective gratitude entries GET AFTER IT! ✨The time for each system/method will vary so find what work for your schedule and obligations. Please reach out if you have questions about customization. ✨ 🌟6 steps to identify and conquer Fear🌟 1.Understand your fear - what & why 2. Challenge your thoughts by seeking the opposition 3.Gradual Exposure / Research experiences and treatments 4. Build confidence by developing relatable skills to overcome / systems / small goals 5. Seek support / perspective 6.visualize success in overcoming fear while researching Fear is an emotion that we can use as a signal to take action ! 💪🏾 GOALS THIS WEEK: -No Snooze -no screens before bed -exercise 4 days (at least a brisk walk) -TRY SOMETHING NEW -IDENTIFY YOUR FEARS Next week : LEARNING FROM THE STOICS zoom session review: Click here to review
New comment Aug 22
Accountability Check in (8/20)
Stoicism & Letting Fear Flow with the CYC🐬 Learning from the Stoics: 🌟In essence, Stoicism is about cultivating inner peace and strength through rational thinking, authentic living, and embracing life’s challenges with grace. 🌟 Focus on What You Can Control 🌟 Virtue (authenticity) is the Highest Good 🌟 Practice Negative Visualization and Preparation (but focus on the positive) 🌟 Accept Fate (Amor Fati) 🌟 Live According to Nature 🌟 Emotional Resilience Let Fear Flow: 1. identify what you'd like to change 2. Write down all of the things you are afraid of and all of the things that could go wrong. 3. Now score each of those things on how honestly likely they are to happen. (rate them 1-10) 4. Next: do these things really matter? (Score them 1-10) 5. Now, you're going to go through that list again and you're going to write down all the ways you could cope with the things that go wrong 6. Then go through the list another time. This time, write down all the ways you can mitigate the risk so that it is less likely to happen. AAA formula: Acceptance + Accountability = Authenticity Material to G.Y.M: -The Four Hour Work Week - Timothy Ferris -Worth ethic - tony jones -Beyond Fear - Don Miguel Ruiz Session review:
New comment Aug 22
Accountability Check in #4
💌 Reiterations: 🌟Personal evolution is the purpose of our purpose 🌟strengthen your integrity by flexing your dorsal and follow through for you 🌟Feelings are NOT facts, they are temporary. Choose Intention over emotion. 🌟Hard choices = Smooth life ✨ Easy choices = Rough life 🌟increase your capacity for life by practicing small disciplines: Cold shower / don't snooze / make your bed / fix your posture in every doorway 🚨CYC goals🚨 -no snooze -no screens 30 min before bed -10 minutes of activity every day this week 🐬 Great growth session today and thank you all for choosing yourself 💞 I always leave inspired to grow and make a change. 🥹 See y'all at the CYC workout Saturday! All you need is some space and some will power 🧠💪🏾 Chapter 4 - Emotional Intelligence: Which new goal will you be aiming for this week? please poll ⬇️
17 members have voted
New comment Aug 1
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