Accountability Check In (8/27)
✨Comfort zone expansion starts with daily preparation to condition ourselves to be able to push through the fear🐬
Preparation techniques to push through fear:
🌟Cold Treatment / Cardio / Heavy weights / Fasting / Sprinting /Meditate / Breath work
🌟Evaluate fear, Evaluate results, hypothetically create a plan to deal with each situation
🌟Research stories about those who have done what you want to be doing
🌟Review last weeks session
Goals for the week:
🌟Do not SNOOZE
🌟Exercise 4 times
🌟Research your fears
Alysia's resources:
IG - @thesourcejunkie
Reels guide:
Online store:
📖Material for content creation :
  1. Jab, Jab , Hook - Gary Vee
  2. Magnetic Marketing - Dan kennedy
📖Material for internal fearful dialogue :
  1. Untethered Soul - Michael Singer
  2. Living Untethered - Michael Singer
  3. Beyond Fear - Miguel Angel Ruiz
Review Growth Session
Hakeem Mcfarlane
Accountability Check In (8/27)
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