Confidence & self worth!
Tapping into the replay of today’s CYC meeting and I had to share my testimony to this weeks topics! (Confidence & choosing your self!)
The reason I allowed myself to burn out and get to a place that was super unhealthy (physically, mentally & spiritually) was because of not having enough self worth!
I didnt believe I had time, I didn’t believe I was a good mom if I took some time to be “selfish” to take care of me…why? Again! Low self esteem!
I lacked the skills to know how to prioritize and manage my time better in order to make time for me!!! What I did have in abundance was excuses!
Now thru years of personal development and choosing myself I for sure know better! I value choosing myself and teaching others how they can do the same and make it manageable!
In the last year my choosing (consistency with habits that prioritize my nutrition) I managed to loose 30lbs! Now it’s time to set out to achieve the next goals! 💪🏼🐬🐬🐬🐬
Value your self (physically, mentally & spiritually)! The confidence it brings is nuts!
Ashley Palumbo
Confidence & self worth!
Choose Yourself Community
The CYC is dedicated to generating internal growth and personal discovery in order to strengthen the authenticity amongst humanity.
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