Friday check in 🗣️CYC
Even typing something into this app is a form of proclamation! We can always justify the excuses in our head enough to give ourselves a pass but the guilt hits differently when you lie to others 💪🏽🐬
Whether you hit all of your goals or you only hit one, every single one of us have to GET AFTER IT the next day so don’t dwell in the past because you’ll miss the present. It is never as good or as bad as it seems so stay poised, positive, and persistent and let’s get it! 💥
How’d you do?
Crushed it
I hit most of my goals
I’m already over it, Today is a new day 💥
16 votes
Hakeem Mcfarlane
Friday check in 🗣️CYC
Choose Yourself Community
The CYC is dedicated to generating internal growth and personal discovery in order to strengthen the authenticity amongst humanity.
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