Sunday Funday ❤️💛
Happy Sunday CYC Fam! Some people go to church on Sundays (nothing wrong with that), I like to make a contribution every Sunday on this app with something I do or started doing. Something I’ve recently gotten into is essential oils. I put them on my skin where I can smell them throughout the day (wrist, shoulder, neck). The smaller bottle I keep in the car and reapply if needed. This helps me to recenter and connect to myself and promotes calm instantly. I attached photos of the ones I use. I also use lavender too.
Other than that, getting after it in my kitchen meal prepping for the week. Put in the extra work at the gym and getting outdoors the first half of my day. 💪 I am making some modifications to my Sunday routine.
Game time - Let’s GO Niners 🏈❤️💛
Crystal Kumar
Sunday Funday ❤️💛
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