Teaching my students to dorsal flex! 🐬
I promised myself I would bring certain topics from our CYC into my classroom this year. I always taught my students the importance of having a Growth Mindset vs a fixed one.
This year I added in a special movement to signal to them to use their dorsal flex 🐬🐬🐬. By tapping twice on my forehead they know that I want them to flex πŸ’ͺ🏼 on their learning!
Later today I’m going to give them all dolphin stickers to put on their desks so that they will be reminded that they too will be the strongest dolphins in 4th grade!
Ashley Palumbo
Teaching my students to dorsal flex! 🐬
Choose Yourself Community
The CYC is dedicated to generating internal growth and personal discovery in order to strengthen the authenticity amongst humanity.
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