“Worrying does not take away tomorrows troubles, it takes away todays peace”
I know it’s way easier said than done because we’re socialized this way, but recently I’ve thought so much about how we’re conditioned to constantly either be in regret or shame about the past, or anxious and fearful for the future. How often are we truly in the moment right now? Seeking observation vs judgement, while also focusing on movement to connect mind and body is what changed things for me. The hardest realization was getting over that I can’t expect people to meet me where I am, only accept them where they are and then decide if it’s something I want in my life. Relinquishing trying to control others perceptions and just learning to accept myself is the hardest yet so far rewarding and ever evolving journey ✨❤️🙌
Andrea Bussard
Choose Yourself Community
The CYC is dedicated to generating internal growth and personal discovery in order to strengthen the authenticity amongst humanity.
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