Wanna come to my next live event? Get on the Waitlist Here 👇
In person events changed my life... now I'm hosting them FOR YOU!
Get on the waitlist at VIP-DAY.COM 👈 (next one is going to be SICK!!)
came to the last one and said it was epic sauce 😉
also came and said nice words... then he went on to make a bunch of money.
hasn't missed ONE event yet... now she's hitting $10,000+/months!!!!
also came & helped make it amazing 🎉
somehow showed up, too...
was there in full force, too... he even gave a presentation on how to be a great COO.
even came with his wifey....
was there, as well.... he did a freakin' backflip.
ALSO flew out & took copious notes... then hit a $10,000+/month right after!
rocked the scene too and gave me a signed version of his book 📕...
flew out as well 🧐 ✈️ making this his 2nd in-person event.
+ a lot more cool people came but I need to hit post now so 4give me if I didn't tag you.
Also shoutout for making this video 😃
If you want the recording of the event, join Contentpreneurs and get it for free.
To get on the waitlist for the next event, visit VIP-DAY.COM 👈
Ted Carr
Wanna come to my next live event? Get on the Waitlist Here 👇
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