Write something
Hey! Welcome to the community. Thrilled to have you here. This place is going to be amazing. For now, leave a comment introducing yourself to the group. ☀️
New comment 4d ago
What Do You Want?
We all have dreams and goals, but the journey from where we are now to where we want to be, can feel overwhelming at times. This community is designed to support you along the way, helping you bridge that gap and achieve your business, financial and creative goals. Everything requires action and once you know what you need to do and you have accountability here, you'll be on your way! We're going to explore, dig in to some serious work, and have fun along the way. Let's make this final 3 months of 2024 count! To ensure we’re covering the topics that matter most to YOU, please let me know in the comments below (please keep it to this post). What specific areas and topics do you want to learn about? Your feedback will shape our future content and help us provide even more value! Here are some suggestions, but please weigh in as an early founding member of the community before it turns paid. Looking forward to hearing! 1. I need help with everything (new to business, haven't started or don't know which steps to take). 2. Content creation - platform, type of content, designing the content 3. AI images for your business 4. Sales 5. Mindset 6. Business questions answered (may test WhatsApp group in the future) 7. Live coaching on Zoom 8. Time management and productivity hacks 9. Launching digital products and online courses 10. Automating your business with AI tools If there's anything else not mentioned above that you're interested in, please add it to your comments! TYSM
New comment 3d ago
What Do You Want?
Welcome to our new members!
It would be great to get to know a little bit about you! Networking is a great part of being in a community and you never know if you may discover something or someone complementary to your own business. @Guus van Rees @Marina Pomar @Jakolien Sok @Mary Ott @Stephanie Sommerville
New comment 3d ago
1001 Resources & Tools
I have soooo many resources I'm going to be sharing in the Classroom section. I've started to add where you can get stock images, next I'll add all my AI resources. There's a lot of incredible tools that can really help us with our businesses now. Let me know if you have any favorites you'd like to have added.
New comment 3d ago
Start Before You're Ready
It's easy to wait for the perfect moment—the moment when everything "aligns", when you feel 100% prepared, and when the fear of failure is nowhere in sight. But here's the truth: that perfect moment rarely comes. The secret to success isn’t about waiting until you’re ready; it’s about starting before you feel ready. The greatest growth and transformation happen not in the preparation, but in the doing. Taking action - yes that messy, imperfect, "I'm-not-ready", action, moves you closer to your goals faster than any amount of planning ever will. When you start before you're ready, you embrace uncertainty and step out of your comfort zone. This leap of faith allows you to learn, adapt, and grow in real-time. You gain insights from every mistake and accomplishment, building resilience and confidence along the way. Every entrepreneur and creator begins with doubts, fears, and a lack of perfect knowledge. What sets them apart is their willingness to take that first step—regardless of their readiness. Progress is better than perfection, and each step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to realizing your vision. So, let go of the idea that you need to have everything figured out. Trust in your ability to learn as you go, and recognize that the journey itself is where the magic happens. Start now, take that first step, and watch how momentum builds and opportunities unfold. You don't have to be ready—you just have to begin.
New comment 4d ago
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Creator AI Academy
A community for ambitious entrepreneurs focused on building business foundations, leveraging AI & growing a successful service-based business.
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