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Start Before You're Ready
It's easy to wait for the perfect moment—the moment when everything "aligns", when you feel 100% prepared, and when the fear of failure is nowhere in sight. But here's the truth: that perfect moment rarely comes. The secret to success isn’t about waiting until you’re ready; it’s about starting before you feel ready. The greatest growth and transformation happen not in the preparation, but in the doing. Taking action - yes that messy, imperfect, "I'm-not-ready", action, moves you closer to your goals faster than any amount of planning ever will. When you start before you're ready, you embrace uncertainty and step out of your comfort zone. This leap of faith allows you to learn, adapt, and grow in real-time. You gain insights from every mistake and accomplishment, building resilience and confidence along the way. Every entrepreneur and creator begins with doubts, fears, and a lack of perfect knowledge. What sets them apart is their willingness to take that first step—regardless of their readiness. Progress is better than perfection, and each step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to realizing your vision. So, let go of the idea that you need to have everything figured out. Trust in your ability to learn as you go, and recognize that the journey itself is where the magic happens. Start now, take that first step, and watch how momentum builds and opportunities unfold. You don't have to be ready—you just have to begin.
New comment 5d ago
2024 Isn't Over Yet! How to Use the Power of Habit to Get The Most Out of What's Left of 2024
Ever find yourself stuck in a rut, repeating the same unproductive patterns, despite knowing better? Maybe it’s procrastinating on that important project, mindlessly scrolling through social media, or grabbing that sugary snack when you’re stressed. What about being "busy" all day long but not feeling like you've made any progress on what really matters? You’re not alone! We all have habits—good and bad—that shape our daily lives. But what if you could harness the power of these habits to create real, lasting change? WHY WE GET STUCK IN NEGATIVE HABITS Habits are formed when our brain looks for ways to save effort (it would literally be happy if all we did was sit on the couch watching Netflix all day!). Over time, our routines become automatic responses to cues in our environment. These habits are reinforced by the rewards we receive, whether it’s a burst of dopamine from that candy bar or the brief relief from checking your phone during a stressful moment. This loop of Cue-Routine-Reward is how habits are created, and unfortunately, it’s also why they can be so hard to break. Maybe you’re feeling frustrated because no matter how hard you try, you seem to fall back into old, unwanted behaviors. The good news? You have the power to change. HOW TO BREAK FREE AND BUILD HABITS THAT SERVE YOU To change a habit, you first need to understand the science behind it. Here's a simple framework to start with: 1. Identify the Cue: What triggers your habit? Is it a specific time of day, a certain feeling, or an environmental cue? E.G. A habit of snacking unhealthily and the cue is feeling bored in the afternoon at work. 2. Understand the Routine: What action do you take when the cue appears? This is the habit you want to change or reinforce. E.G. Going to the kitchen and grabbing a bag of chips. 3. Recognize the Reward: What are you getting out of this habit? Is it comfort, distraction, or something else? E.G. Immediate satisfaction from the flavor, plus a break from work.
New comment 16d ago
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