Sk17 What you DON’T do can help you build quality brand but is the hard part
🤚 Do you want to have predictable client results in a niche service market?
It's simple (not easy)
✅ Only take clients that fit your ideal client profile
✅ Give them a package of treatments that leads to (almost) predictable results.
But ya’ll know this already.
❓Guess what's the hard part that no one talks about.....
🤔 To have high-quality clients with predictable results, you must DISQUALIFY prospects who don't fit your ideal client profile.
🤩 Get used to saying NO to protect your brand, your time, your results.
This means have the discipline to say NO to...
🛑 Friends (or family) who want a discount but won't be compliant/coachable clients
🛑 A paid or organic lead who wants to give it a try before they commit
🛑 A client type that has different needs than your treatment experience is curated for
🛑 Someone who cancels or no-shows multiple times and has given you signs that they don't respect your time/expertise.
💡No need to be rude,
💡Simply refer them to someone else (or Google search) for an option that fits their needs better than our business can.
‼️ Follow this without exception, and you'll have loyal clients with predictable results that you love to serve.
Stacey Krizan
Sk17 What you DON’T do can help you build quality brand but is the hard part
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