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Thursday am numbers
BG 90 BK 1.5 DBR 59 Broke my sardine fast at 6-6:30z Had dinner late between 7:30-8pm. Definitely see how it affected my numbers. Still happy with the progress.
New comment 1d ago
Post party win
I had a great time with my family and friends last night and didn’t totally fall off the bandwagon. Woke up with BG 92 & BK 1.0=DBR 92
New comment 6d ago
Saturday am #
I’m shocked but not shocked. Every time I forego evening meals, my numbers improve! But it’s so hard to do with travel, family and weekends. I’ll take the win while I work on consistency: BG 86 BK 2.0 DBR 43 Also…Can anyone tell me why the Keto Mojo gave me a 41 DBR? See photo
New comment 6d ago
Saturday am #
Dental appointment post opp
I have to go to the dentist to have my stiches removed @ 10:30 today Consequently, I'm forced to come a little late. Penny my wife is attending Sandra's
New comment 8d ago
Firstly, my Fora6 Connect seems to be malfunctioning in terms of data transfer. Mojo on the way. Trying to input manually into Mojo App with little success. Is anyone else manually inputting data?
New comment 8d ago
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Deborah's Victory Team (DVT)
I love sharing my faith and story of recovery. How I live: first, I learn it, then I do it, then I teach it! With God all things are possible!
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