The Latin root word spir means “breathe.” Your quality of breathing is a reflection of your spirit, This post is meant to help you attain the inspiration needed to breathe more clearly & therefore enrich your physical reality. Links & videos will be highlighted throughout the texts. Instructional guides for breathwork at the very bottom Consciously breathing from the diaphragm, changes your entire reality. By practicing breathwork, you are actually changing your own frequency and vibrations. Everything is energy. Therefore, by changing your own energy, you are able to have higher attraction levels for higher abundance Breathwork is more than an exercise of breathing correctly or with intent. Breathing techniques are tools for major transformation, retrospection & healing. Breathwork encompasses a broad range of whole-being therapeutic practices & exercises used to relieve mental, physical, and/or emotional tension The first thing you would notice is that it’ll help you gain complete control of your breathing. This is because it will increase your self-awareness. In addition, it will also help you feel more calm, grounded, and confident. Breathwork creates a balance in natural chemical messengers and noradrenaline. Both substances have an effect on specific emotions and attention, thereby enhancing focus. Yup, you’ve likely even been breathing incorrectly your whole life. But it’s all good, that’s why I’m here to help It’s really simple it just may take some getting used to at first. The first few sessions can be very uncomfortable because it is new channels of energy processing being opened Essential things to know Inhale from your belly/diaphragm to really fill up on Prana. Your belly should literally be protruding outwards There are 3 locks (also known as bhandas) to remember when you hold at the top of the breath You will lock the tongue, pushing the tip of it against the roof of your mouth. While doing this, the eyes look up as though looking out the top of the head