- Dynamic Stretching- 15 minutes - Warm Up - 5 minute Incline Walk WORKOUT - Straight Bar Back Rows Ladder Set; 6 sets - 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Note: choose a weight that isn’t stressful on your lower back. - Lat Pulldown (Regular Grip)Ladder Set; 6 sets - 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 then 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 Note: 1. Choose a weight that allows you to perform a full set while also challenging. 2. Time under tension! Slow reps. Develop a mind muscle connection. Think of your lats as bat wings. - Walking Lunges w/ a Straight Bar or Dumbbells3 down & backs - up to 7 to 8 reps e. leg Note: 1. BRACE YOUR CORE!! CRUCIAL GUIDELINES TO FOLLOW: 1. Breaks between sets should be 1:30 MAX 2. BREATHE, in between your reps. Your muscles need oxygen. 3. Don’t sit on your phone, set a timer & catch your breath (inhale through nose & exhale through mouth) 4. RE-PLE-NISH in between. Consistently hydrate your body to replace the water you’re sweating. Give yourself & your body the chance to give your absolute all. 5. 5 minute breaks in between exercises.