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The top 2 shifts I made to go from 10k/month to 35k/month
#1. Hired a coach. It’s scary to invest but I believe for every season of life God will bring the right person along for me to learn from. I’ve been in business 14 years. This has always been true. It’s become really exciting to see who God will put in my path. I expect it 100% now because I’ve seen it happen over and over. Coaching is huge because it’s not about the content. You can get that anywhere. It’s about WHO the coach is. You pick up on their values and their confidence. It’s also about implementation. They give you a roadmap and consistent accountability on the execution. The biggest thing I needed in that season was learning how to run paid ads on a national level. I didn’t know how to reach my ideal audience(gym owners at the time) with ads and it felt super risky spending my own money trying to figure it out. And that’s what the coach helped me learn. Which is #2 Acquiring the skill of a rainmaker. Every business needs a rainmaker and for 90% of online business owners this should be you. Not an agency. The #1 way to make it rain is through ads. And that’s the skill I had to master. It’s the reason I was able to sign new clients every week and finally add predictability to my growth. I don’t care what you think about marketing. I don’t care how passionate you are about what you do. You’ll soon find out you won’t have a business if you don’t dedicate yourself to learning these skills. You don’t have to be a master either. Just proficient. Want me free training on how to learn this skill? DM me the word “ECO” and I’ll send over my content + paid ads ecosystem training.
Paid ads vs Organic content
Do you need both? Can you get by just doing organic? Are ads worth it or just a money pit? After spending 2.5 million on ads here’s my thoughts: It’s really about short term vs long term. Consistent organic content is the way to build a solid personal brand over the long haul. Problem is most online business owners need to make money now and with organic content alone it may take many months of posting every day before you get paid. With paid advertising I can turn on an ad and get a booked call tomorrow. This is what I’ve spent the majority of my career focusing on. Learning paid ads saved my gym when I had it. It was also responsible for growing my ad agency to 45k months. The problem is there’s no real brand building. I wasn’t building a relationship with my audience. It was simply “here’s my offer, take it or leave it.” No trust being built at all. That’s why you need both. Paid ads pay the bills in the short term while you consistently create content that builds relationship with your aligned clients. The organic content is like compounding interest and will pay off huge years later. But that's the other problem, impatience. For me I was so short term minded and reliant on ads I didn't focus on building a personal brand with content. Always focusing on the "urgent" but not "important." It's hard to make that mindset shift out of survival when you are in the thick of it. But it's so worth it. There’s also the fact that each reel is like a lottery ticket. If one so happens to go viral it's a game changer. I haven't had that happen yet and I don't rely on it. But it will be nice if it does. It’s really only within the last year that I started focusing on this with YouTube and now Instagram as of a month or so ago. Come hang out with my on IG as I'm posting every day. Practicing what I preach. Moral of the story. You should be investing your resources into doing both organic content and paid ads.
New training: the paid ads ecosystem
43 minutes plus a playbook that gives you the entire paid ads + content ecosystem. Everything you need to get more aligned clients in your pipeline every day. Relying on organic is slow. Paid ads can be risky if done wrong. This is the best of both worlds. Comment “eco” below and I’ll send it over in the DM’s
New comment 8d ago
You are the niche
Sort of a new philosophy I'm adopting. I wouldn't say I have a full grasp on this but it deeply resonates. Think about it. Your business brings some sort of transformation. Wealth, health, spiritual, emotional, etc... So many other businesses and coaches do the exact same things as you. At least on the surface level. But that's not how we learn or achieve breakthrough. We learn from people we resonate with. We connect with people that have similar stories and backgrounds as us. Similar interests and worldviews. We achieve transformation best in a tribe. A community. So if you don't rise up and take your place I think there is a void in the marketplace. A bunch of people that will never get the help they needed because they were waiting for you to come along and guide them through their transformation. This is how you can eliminate the scarcity competitive mindset. Because you are showing up as the real you. You've done the hard work to clearly identify your values, aspirations, fears, backstory, and how you achieved a transformation. You then get good at teaching and coaching this transformation by creating frameworks that allow people to come to their own "ah ha" moments that shift their life. Then you get good at marketing and communicating through content to demonstrate you are the guide for them. This is the type of business I'm most passionate about helping people build. It allows you to marry your life's work with making great money. And you can enter any "saturated market" because no one has your story. And you only need 50 clients to make 50k/month. I'm sure there are 50 people out there in the world that will uniquely resonate with WHO you are and want to learn from you alone.
Just finished a course on the Instagram Funnel
If you've been hearing about the IG Funnel it's for good reason. I've tried a lot of different types of funnels out there and this surpasses them all. Better than VSL's, challenges, book a call funnels, etc... Why? Because it lines up with my Direct Brand Strategy. Where you combine paid ads and strategic content to accelerate the know, like, and trust factor. The benefits I've seen are sales calls with people that already know like and trust me. This course will teach you: -How to grow your audience with ideal prospects. -Exactly how to launch the ads. -How to script the ads so you attract the right people only. -The retargeting strategy that will get your offer shown to a hot audience every single day -The DM Script. How to convert followers into high ticket clients. It's only $97. Comment below "IG" and I'll send you the link.
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