Thomas S Monson "When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported, the rate of improvement accelerates."
Bob Proctor "Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to results."
Hal Elrod "The moment you take 100 percent responsibility for everything in your life is the same moment you claim your power to change anything in your life"
2 Stories
When I was 20 I set a dozen goals for myself to achieve in the following 5 years. I achieved all but one of them within a year. Last year I set 3 goals for myself to achieve this year. The year is not over, but I am not on track to achieve any of them. What was the difference? When I was 20 I asked several people to follow up with me at different intervals. I asked someone to check in every year, a couple of people to check in every month, a few people to check in weekly and I talked with my mom and my wife about them daily. This year, I wrote them in a journal and never looked at it again. When I tell people about my goals I work toward them with a different level of intentionality. That's a lot of the reason for this group.
In 1985, Jim Carrey wrote himself a $10 million check. He dated it 10 years in the future for “acting services rendered.”Carrey was 23 years old then. A fledgling actor struggling to find work. He carried the check in his wallet everywhere he went. If acting didn’t work out, he was likely headed for a Canadian steel mill. But it did.10 years after writing that check, Carrey was a star. Ace Ventura, The Mask, and Dumb and Dumber had changed his life.
1 Challenge
Post in the goals and accountability category 1-4 goals you have currently. Include a measurable result and when you want to accomplish it.