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After joining the group please take a second to share your back pain story
You need to know your why to keep you going. Long term back pain requires a long term solution and we need to stay connected to the impact to drive us. What is this back pain preventing you from doing? For me, majority of activities with my kids! Playing on the ground, lifting them out of bed, giving them a bath, racing them down the block….the list goes on!
My Painful Journey
I suffered for 7 years with lower back pain. I visited 3 different doctors, worked with 2 different physical therapists, 1 chiropractor and even a spinal surgeon. All of them had different diagnoses. A few said it was inflammation from a prior injury that never healed. Another said my x-rays looked clean except some minor wear and tear in my lumbar spine that shouldn't be causing pain but hard to tell unless we do some exploratory surgery. (WTF) Another one said my hips were too tight. Another one said my QL muscle was strained. The list goes on. I also tried following several influencers on IG. One said you have to retrain your central nervous system to accept the pain thereby improving your pain threshold...and you just deal with it for the rest of your life...(WTF 2x) I finally discovered something that actually works and I am sharing it for only $5 per month to the first 100 folks who are suffering from back pain like I have for the last 7 years. IF THIS IS HAPPENING TO YOU PLEASE JOIN THIS GROUP ASAP! -Struggle to play with or pick up your kids -Playing your favorite sports sucks or you're in dire pain the following day -Lifting weights and staying healthy through movement is a major challenge -You experience flare ups randomly -You have chronic lower back pain whether it's mild or severe -You work from home or sit in a chair most of the day (this will create future back pain if you aren't taking care of yourself) -You want to not only lift and grow the major muscle groups but also train other uncommon areas of your body to prevent the likelihood of injury FIRST 100 MEMBERS WILL BE GRANDFATHERED IN FOR FREE WHEN THIS COMMUNITY INCREASES IN JULY 2024! THE PRICE WILL BE THE SAME AS A COPAY CHARGE FOR A PHYSICAL THERAPY VISIT.
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Who's been doing their lower back training? With a hectic work/life schedule it's been hard for me. Anybody else struggling this summer?
Member Status Updates
Would love to hear from you guys how the program is working for you?! Eliminating back pain is a slow and steady process. Consistency is key!
3 members have voted
New comment Jun 7
Thursday Mobility ✅
Lengthening and mobility is just as important in preventing injury as strengthening the muscles in your posterior chain! Spend 20 minutes this morning getting it done 🙏🏼
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Eliminate Lower Back Pain
I suffered for 7 years with lower back pain. After 3 doctors, 2 physical therapists, 1 chiropractor and a spinal surgeon...the solution is simple!
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