Life lessons for preschool age
Our new favorite book series is Clever Cub! This curious little cub is learning all about life through mama bear or papa bear sharing Bible stories that relate with what Clever Cub is experiencing. And Clever Cub loves Bible stories! Daxton (age 4) asks to read Clever Cub books every night, they have become our favorites. A book bundle is on sale on Amazon now if you are interested. The Mallins highly recommend!
We also love our Bibles- if you are looking for a good one for your young reader. The connections from Clever Cub have made our Bible reading experience more engaging and fun for this age.
Do you have any book recommendations?? Please share-
Amanda Mallin
Life lessons for preschool age
Honey In The Rock
Come as you are as we lay our burdens down and trust in the Lord. Be encouraged and empowered to walk in your God given authority & shine His light!
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