Sabbath rhythm, journaling, and group norms
Happy weekend my sistas!
Hopefully this video gives you some insight into my thoughts for this group so you know what to expect, what to share, and how to engage and connect.
At the top, you can see different tabs.
  • I will post content under daily devotionals with reflective questions for you to keep a journal. There is a comment section below if you would like to share.
  • If God puts something on your heart while reading scripture or a devotional, or if you want to share a video that strengthened your walk with the Lord, please feel free to do so under general discussion or daily devotional.
  • We are a praying community! Please submit prayer requested under the prayer request tab. I will commit to praying specifically for prayer requests every Monday evening before bed and ask all my prayer warriors to join in and do the same from your prayer closet. Like or comment once you said the prayer.
  • Keep a Honey in the Rock journal (I will do the same) with dates so we can look back and see God's goodness and faithfulness in our lives.
Journal question:
What does your current Sabbath routine look like? What would you to try to have more soul rest in your routine? Be specific to start time and end time.
Love and peace to you and yours. Xo
Amanda Mallin
Sabbath rhythm, journaling, and group norms
Honey In The Rock
Come as you are as we lay our burdens down and trust in the Lord. Be encouraged and empowered to walk in your God given authority & shine His light!
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