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Weekly Discipline Meeting 💕 is happening in 3 days
Why Self Esteem May Be the Biggest Game Changer
So I was thinking about something recently after hearing a girl say: “I can never be friends with someone who is insecure.” I was shocked. I wondered why anyone would say something so mean. I used to struggle with my self esteem and my way of coping was socializing. So for someone to say that, it kind of made me think a little differently. I went on with my day, still thinking about what she said. But now I think I understand. Self esteem affects how we treat ourselves and how we treat others. It also affects all the decisions we make. Someone with poorer self esteem is more likely to get into d*ug usage, alcohol, and other stuff. A person will better self esteem will be more open to feedback, working on themselves, be an overall happier person, and have a better love life and friendships. Think about it: most bullies have terrible self esteem. That’s why they treat others badly. But a person secure in themselves will never have to go that far. Friends with better self esteem root for you, are able to give you feedback and inform you when you need to set more boundaries. Ever since my self esteem shot up, I treat people wayy better, I’ve succeeded in a lot more things, and I am most importantly better to myself. Some books that helped me: “The magic of thinking big” by David Schwartz “You are a Badas*” by Jen Sincero I wish you all the best. xoxo Molly
New comment May 30
3 things to elevate your looks:
1- Mascara: If you’re not using it already, it makes a HUGE difference. Especially if you want your eyes to stand out as your best feature, it helps a whole lot. 100% underrated. 2- Relax your face: If you’re always frowning/have a rbf, you will always look unapproachable and rude. I used to this but I stopped and I noticed a huge difference! 3- Have some sort of routine: Whether its a serum you use every night, or a certain cleanser, have something you use for your face on a regular basis to treat any problem you have (hyperpigmentation, acne, etc) Hope it helps!
New comment Jun 5
Welcome to Girls Institute ✨ for all the ladies who are just like me: we want to look good and live good. I am Molly, I’m 19 and I grew up in a small family of 5. I had mental health issues, I lived in a poorer country for a long time and went through all sorts of traumatic events. In the past year my life has changed so much, I’ve managed to gain confidence that I’ve never had before, gained higher self esteem, and now I love myself and those around me very much. I wanted to spread some positivity to those who might have gone through what I went through. I saw other men’s communities on here and how they supported each other and I don’t think us girls really have a proper place to just, i guess, be ourselves. And that’s what I’m trying to create. I have struggled a lot in my life just because of the fact that I’m a girl, and we obviously do have our own struggles that men can’t relate to. That’s why I thought the perfect place would be one where we can just support each other. I appreciate any of you reading this, and I would love having you as part of our community! You can ask questions on here and I will do my best to provide feedback ✨ Sincerely, Molly
New comment May 8
Hii !!
Hey everyone, I'm Supriya I'm from United States and I'm happy to be a part of this community☺️ 🌷I love colour guard and drawing and my dream is to be a software engineer ,lol or a doctor <3
New comment Jun 11
Define Your Priorities
Lately i’ve been thinking a lot about a lot of things. I know some things I should be doing, but yet… I don’t. And we’re all like this. I know I should put my head down and work 3-4 hours a day on my personal projects. I know I should read and get better at everything. I know I need to prioritize my Skool. I know I need to practice my religion more properly. So I decided to write it down. In order. 1) God. 2)My career/money 3)My looks 4)My relationships Let me explain. As a muslim, my number one priority always has to be God. So that one was pretty easy to name, because it’s non-negotiable for me. As for why I place money and looks above my relationships, my way of seeing it is that I understand the essence of short-term sacrifice for long term gain. I know my family would benefit more from me taking some alone time and coming back to solve 99% of their problems instead of talking to them uselessly every single day. I know the quality of my life, my confidence, mental health and my earning potential goes up drastically if I just look prettier. Sadly enough. I know that I can get a better spouse, get better treatment from my family and friends if I look prettier, have more money and put God first. That’s why I place relationships fourth. I place the other things before relationships. I know that by being “better”, I will be better placed to help others. Just some thoughts 💕
New comment Jun 10
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Girls Institute
Welcome to Girls Institute ✨ a place for girls who are looking to level up in terms of money, confidence and looks.
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