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Girls Institute

Public • 29 • Free

Welcome to Girls Institute ✨ a place for girls who are looking to level up in terms of money, confidence and looks.

Girls Who Get It Done

Private • 1 • Free


Max Business School™

Public • 168.8k • Free

Fayefilms Academy

Private • 25.9k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 141.1k • Paid

Expert Coach Program

Private • 18.5k • Free

Elite Sales Alliance

Private • 15.6k • Free

ETS Community

Private • 17.8k • Free

Closer College

Private • 803 • Free

Team Ruff

Private • 9k • Free

Madison Profit Academy

Private • 9.7k • $3/m

36 contributions to Girls Institute
Define Your Priorities
Lately i’ve been thinking a lot about a lot of things. I know some things I should be doing, but yet… I don’t. And we’re all like this. I know I should put my head down and work 3-4 hours a day on my personal projects. I know I should read and get better at everything. I know I need to prioritize my Skool. I know I need to practice my religion more properly. So I decided to write it down. In order. 1) God. 2)My career/money 3)My looks 4)My relationships Let me explain. As a muslim, my number one priority always has to be God. So that one was pretty easy to name, because it’s non-negotiable for me. As for why I place money and looks above my relationships, my way of seeing it is that I understand the essence of short-term sacrifice for long term gain. I know my family would benefit more from me taking some alone time and coming back to solve 99% of their problems instead of talking to them uselessly every single day. I know the quality of my life, my confidence, mental health and my earning potential goes up drastically if I just look prettier. Sadly enough. I know that I can get a better spouse, get better treatment from my family and friends if I look prettier, have more money and put God first. That’s why I place relationships fourth. I place the other things before relationships. I know that by being “better”, I will be better placed to help others. Just some thoughts 💕
New comment Jun 10
Life Decisions
So. I made a choice. One that will probably drastically alter my life. I’m leaving my “job”. So for the past year, after moving to Canada, I joined a sales company. I became a top seller and was able to hit my targets easily. But over time, I asked myself the question: “Is this really for me?” Sales will always be an amazing skill to have. It is the top skill I would advise anyone to get. Along the way, I learnt so much, I met a lot of amazing people and I ended up finding some things in myself that I had never found before. Till recently. I felt like I was learning a lot less, my growth had stagnated, I was stressed and tired, I was completely lost. For more context, the sales company where I worked has a great opportunity for advancement into making millions of dollars a year. But I made a choice to leave. To rediscover myself, find my vision, work with an aim on something I want to do, not something imposed upon me by others. I also want to give Skool my 100%. So I made the choice. I will be leaving in two weeks so I can focus on you guys. I believe this platform can help me achieve a lot of my personal goals. I want to take it seriously for 6 months at least. I’m ready to move forward. Thank you guys for still being here and understanding me. I’ll do my best to deliver.
New comment Jun 2
0 likes • Jun 2
@Nidhi V thank you 😭
Introducing myself💖
Hey everyone , I'm Nidhi V I'm from India and I'm happy to be a part of this community☺️ 🌷I love singing and drawing and my dream is to be a software engineer<3
New comment Jun 2
1 like • Jun 2
That’s so cool 💕
Daily Reminder!
Your daily reminder is here girls: It’s just one simple thing… Drink water! It’s good for your skin, health, sleep, etc Don’t forget!
New comment May 29
My Weekly Priorities
Here are my top 3 priorities for this week: 1- Practicing my religion better: I want to focus more on my religion and being a better muslim and organizing myself in that aspect first. 2- Skool/Personal Business/Self Development: I need to focus on my long term projects since that’s what will bring me success in the next 3+ years. 3- Sales: As you all know, I’ve started a career in sales and now I want to sell more products and make more money for myself. What are your thoughts and priorities for this week? 💕
New comment May 30
0 likes • May 27
@Sundus Wani thank you :)
1 like • May 27
@Nidhi V thanksss
1-10 of 36
Molly T
42points to level up
gonna be rich

Active 10h ago
Joined Apr 20, 2024
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