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Weekly Check In Call is happening in 7 days
Happy Monday!
Good morning team!! I haven’t forgotten about ya’ll! Not making excuses just being transparent. I got a new assignment at work which has made me feel all the emotions- proud, overwhelmed, stressed, excited. Change is growth ◡̈ that being said it’s required more of my time which has made me not be on here as much as I want to be. I wanted to share a big win for me -I have a tendency to when I get overwhelmed/stressed that’s when I want to SNACK, eat crappy foods with my friends or magically seem to find “no time” for the gym. BUT the first 2 weeks of this program I prioritized a routine and my environment. I did an inbody at the gym and I’ve lost 9lbs, I’ve gained 3 pounds of muscle & I’m down 4% body fat (first inbody was July 6). -Since work is ramping up and my days are flying by on shift I’ve been waking up at 0400 on work days to workout before work -Take the time to make the time. I’ve been putting the tint in to meal prep, plan my workouts, keep my gym bag organized (always carrying a jump rope in my bag because even if I’m busy there’s always 30 mins to spare to jump rope). Anyways I would say the two biggest things I’ve learned so far are: you only have 1 body and there’s always time to take care of it, and my environment plays a vital role! This week my goal is to get an extra 30 mins of cardio in 3x a week. Happy freaking Monday everyone!! Another week to meet our goals! See you guys Sunday 🤍🤍
New comment Aug 14
💥⭐️🥦 r e d y e l l o w g r e e n
Vulnerability here! My red is my negative self talk. I’m absolutely all in on this, but with just about everything in my life I have the mindset of “I want to master this yesterday”. Haha! So this week I am working on one meal at a time, celebrating my little wins, and how can I improve tomorrow even if it’s something as small of 1 more workout or 1 more oz of chicken. I watched the recording back (I was late on Sunday) and after chatting with Jake and doing some reflection…. I’ve decided on Monday I am going to do the strict 6 on 1 off “diet”. I know I know why start Monday start today??? Wellll I went grocery shopping and need to eat what I bought before my brain can process my clutter & I also have a big practical test coming up this week at work that I’ll be on the drill field in the heat which won’t be good if I’m not getting a ton of calories in. I’m excited to start that meal plan! Thanks everyone for letting me rant on my vulnerable soapbox 🫶🏼
New comment Aug 4
🟥 In progress
Excited for this new bottle hubby gave to me! And here's my attempt at Habit changing a cold crisp drink - instead of a sugary cold fizzy drink!
New comment Jul 24
🟥 In progress
I continue to focus on hydration and protein. Stocked up on some quick grab items, and tried a bone broth packet for the first time today for an easy 10g. It was actually really satisfying this morning amongst everything else and made me drink more water, too! Win, win! AND...I finally broke 200+ lbs on my deadlift (225, actually). Grateful for my cheerleaders in the 6am class today! @David Fuller - You're one of them and @Jennifer Hill ....I know you were there in spirit! 🤗 Thank you!!!🫶
New comment Jul 24
I’m not even sure what day it is, lol. We left Seattle on Thursday afternoon for Rome. Unfortunately we got stuck in the Microsoft outage in London, missed our connecting flight to Rome. Even with all the travel disasters, we made it to Rome and I ended the day with over 12,000 steps!!!
New comment Jul 23
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