Completed phase 2-DM setting
In this section I learned how to use the zig zag method to qualify a lead before booking a chat with them. In the zig zag method, you use the leads answer in the format of your next question. For example:
Intro: Hi, (lead) I saw that you’re interested in making a career change. What is it about this opportunity that stood out to you?
Lead: Well my time is very important to me and with my current job I’ve been working too many hours.
Me: I understand completely. What are you doing for work now and how many hours would you prefer to work per week?
Lead: I’m doing XYZ job and I’d like to work 40hrs.
Me: That sounds great. If you were working 40hrs a week, do you see that accomplishing your financial goals as well?
…And so on, bouncing questions back for around three or so messages and then booking a call.
Anne Flagg
Completed phase 2-DM setting
Sales Alliance Academy Premium
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