Completed Phase 4 - Takeaways
Cold Calling - outreach to a lead who has no knowledge of you or what you do. Aim for a 3-5 minute call.
Cold Calling outline:
Quick Intro of who you are and why your calling
Quick Building Rapport
Transition into Discovery, their goals, their current situation, why they haven't achieved their goal and financially qualify
If they don't answer, double dial, leave a voicemail & send a quick text
Getting around gatekeepers, have a strategy to allude that you've already had a touch point with the person your trying to get ahold of, never let gatekeepers know why your calling and never sell to them.
-I didn't see much in the variation call that was setting frame, is this something we skip or am I missing that from the script?
-In regards to gatekeepers, what if the gatekeeper asks for your number instead of giving you the number your asking for? How would you respond if they ask why your calling, after you've already stated its a follow up? (let me know if that makes sense)
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Angela Kauffman
Completed Phase 4 - Takeaways
Sales Alliance Academy Premium
Changing the High Ticket Sales World, one rep at a time ๐ŸŒŽ
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