What Are Your Goals? - Seriously, What Is It You Want.
What are the areas of your life that matter to you?
What are the goals in those areas? Specifically!
Do you know? If not it's okay but I encourage you to really think about it.
I create goals in every aspect of your life where I want to see growth!
If I can encourage you to ask yourself not just what you want, but WHY you want it...
It will change your life!
Here are a few professional:
-Mailbox Millionaire
Build $100,000 a month in recurring revenue.
  • Through strategic investments, innovative product/service offerings, and the cultivation of multiple income streams, I will construct a robust 'money machine' that supports my highest goals and enables me to have absolute freedom to do What i want, when i went, with whom i want, where i want, how i want, and for as long as i fucking want. This will allow me to retire my mom, retire my wife, spend time with my son, travel the world, try everything this world has to offer. Give my family the best chance of survival and a life full of abundance & experience.
-The Valchemist
Create More Value Than Anyone Else Could Ever Compete With & Then Give It All Away
  • I create more value than anyone else could ever hope to compete with, and then give it all away for the betterment of humanity - to help millions of people open their minds to the limitless possibilities within them, and then provide them with the tools and structure to make profound, lasting change. Inspired by the work of my idol, Tony Robbins, I am driven to guide individuals on a journey of self-discovery and personal mastery. Through my live events, coaching, and content, I will ignite a fire within them - unleashing their deepest passions, demolishing self-limiting beliefs, and equipping them with a proven system to achieve their most ambitious goals.
-Leader of Men
I give others the opportunity to achieve their goals, while leveraging & inspiring them to accomplish mine
  • one who empowers and inspires others to achieve their greatest potential, while leveraging their talents and passion to accomplish my own ambitious goals. I will cultivate high-performing, deeply committed teams by creating an environment where each individual feels valued, supported and motivated to excel. I will give them the opportunity to stretch beyond their self-imposed limits and reach new heights. Whether it's providing mentorship, removing obstacles, or simply igniting their inner fire, my role is to be a catalyst for their personal and professional growth. Yet this is not a one-way street - I will harness the collective genius of my team, aligning their efforts towards the realization of my own vision.
Here are few personal
Step up emotionally & physically to become the unshakable foundation my family needs & deserves
  • My family deserves stability, grace, leadership & understanding... not panic, stress, fear, and sadness. I DESERVE to earn my own respect. It is my journey to grow into the role that is needed from me. I can either continue to run from responsibility, or I can face it head on for everyone else.
-Hardened Motherf**ker
A physique & mindset chiseled from repeatedly doing what is difficult at the highest level
  • To forge an unbreakable physique and mindset through the relentless pursuit of what is most difficult. I will push the limits of my capabilities, embracing the searing pain and challenge to become a living testament to discipline, resilience and the refusal to accept limitations. This journey of self-mastery will transform me into an indomitable force - one that can overcome any obstacle and move mountains to achieve my goals."
-Best Father Alive
Committed to nurturing my child’s individual growth, mindset, and human potential
  • This is my single greatest purpose in life. I want to be there for my son, guide him, teach him the things no one taught me, teach him how to be a good person, a good husband, a good father, teach him how to survive in the world long after im gone. How to embrace suffering & find meaning in the journey. I want him to know that he is loved more than anything in this world by his dad.
I made a free video guide as well in my free community!
But not trying to promo myself, you will have to find it!
Sawyer Hartman
What Are Your Goals? - Seriously, What Is It You Want.
The IRL Game 🌎
🌟 The IRL Game is a self-development story mode game where YOU are the main character. 🌟
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