What is better? One or many?
In the United States, individualism is deeply ingrained in our culture.
Unlike other cultures where shared family assets are common, Americans prioritize personal ownership and responsibility.
Each person has their own house, tax bill, utility bill, etc...
When assets and expenses are not pooled, each person faces a more difficult climb toward financial stability and long-term wealth accumulation.
Some countries have a tradition of shared family assets, where multiple generations live under one roof or contribute to a common fund.
This collective approach provides a stronger financial safety net and facilitates wealth accumulation. (assuming the person in charge is responsible)
In some cultures, it’s common for parents to buy property for their children or for multiple family members to invest in a single business venture together.
This is a more efficient use of resources and a quicker path to financial advancement!
The American emphasis on individual ownership is a double-edged sword...
It fosters independence and personal growth but often leads to isolation and a slower path to financial security.
If you can get your family members or friends on board, would you pool your resources and take on the world together? Does this sound exciting or scary?
I want a family compound... What about you? Comment below!
Chris Wilson
What is better? One or many?
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