What is your ideal way of making money?
Over the years, my answer has changed quite a bit...I thought I was going to be a professional reseller for awhile. I had fun with that and made money but it's not my ideal way to sustain myself.
I thought I was going to start an Amazon agency, helping people sell better on Amazon. I found out that isn't very fun and is just as much work as selling for yourself on Amazon...
I started selling for myself on Amazon and I still do today, but I realized how much I hate running an e-commerce business.. Logistics, operations, manufacturing, marketing, etc.
I thought all of these were going to be my ticket to riches! They certainly helped, but I learned what I don't want to do...
I started doing real estate about 4 years ago and I found out that it's what I love the most. I love taking an ugly, beat-up property, and making it nice. There's something about taking something that was once neglected and giving it the attention and love it deserves.
I discovered Pace Morby just a few months ago and what I've learned since then has blown my mind. The first 3.5 years I was moving at at turtle pace and for the past few months I've been moving exponentially faster. I can't wait for the future!
I still have my full-time job helping brands sell on Amazon. That job sustains my family and other businesses, but real estate is the long-term plan...
What about you? What is your ideal way of making money? Is it a job? A business? Are you still figuring it out?
Chris Wilson
What is your ideal way of making money?
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