Dr Doug, what is your take and reasons on acupuncture? I remember you saying we don't have a deficiency of needles. Also that we can't stimulate the body to health. A friend of mine said she was going to get acupuncture. I held my tongue. It seems that I hold my tongue a lot around all the people I meet because I don't think they are receptive to my knowledge. Another example: I told my hiking friend that it's best to eat simple carbs ( fruit) before hiking long and to take fruit on the hike. The next day she was so proud and excited that for breakfast she ate eggs, avocado and cottage cheese! She said she wanted some energy and sustenance for the longer hike> I almost got sick hearing that but I didn't say anything because I felt like it would be trouble. She also has a sugar phobia. I haven't found many people that give a shit to listen much and think what I know is good regarding a raw vegan diet with fruit as its main source of sustenance. I'd like to have friends who are firmly grounded in 80/10/10, you know, like minded. What do I get frustrated, annoyed, disappointed? I feel like saying "No, thats wrong, bad for you and disgusting!" They have all these issues like osteoporosis, hearing loss, skin cancer, digestive issues, energy issues, etc, and feel like saying its because of how you're eating, but I don't. Id like to have way more people eating and thinking like me. Ugh!
Richard Gambino
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