Bone Problems
Hi friends, I am really struggling right now. A few days ago I bruised my ribs for the 3rd time in the past year. I'm concerned because all I was doing was trying to open a stiff door in a way that was putting some pressure on my rib area. That injury has prevented me from doing most of my calisthenics routine that I am trying to build up to increase my bone density. Then this morning I woke up with a throbbing foot just out of the blue. The symptoms seem to be consistent with a stress fracture and I cannot walk at all.
To give some honest background info, I am 31 yrs old and have struggled with anorexia for the last 18 years and have been consistently underweight for that entire time. I had a bone scan done about 6 years ago which showed that I had pre-osteoporosis in most areas of my body. I typically walk around 2 hours a day at a very fast pace in addition to my calisthenics and manual labor/gardening a few hours each day, and when I am unable to do this I have a really hard time eating and intentionally decrease my calorie intake as I still fear gaining weight and being sedentary. I also hardly ever allow myself to sit and rest which I'm wondering if that has contributed to my foot injury. I realize that eating disorders are a tricky condition to understand if you don't have experience with it but I'm hoping someone here might be able to give me some words of wisdom.
Thanks, Dareios
Dareios Katsanikakis
Bone Problems
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