My first ever testimonial!
So much time went into my craft; many hundreds of hours spent into my art hoping that I will one day provide value to someone.
And today that came to pass!
I was able to deliver fast results to an upcoming YouTuber that grew from 0 to nearly 300 subscribers in just 5 days from helping him out with a project that he was working on that he would then use for his content.
I did not expect that!
I just kept on giving, and I finally made my ask this morning regarding the testimonial, and not even 3 minutes later he delivered, and it blew my expectations out of the water!
I'm super excited for this, and did a little happy dance with an ecstatic grin on my face ๐Ÿ˜„
I hope that this little bit of social proof will be the catalyst for more opportunities!
Brandon Smith
My first ever testimonial!