Resistance Training
I took alot from this video. One thing Danny talked about that is spot on that I don't think people really realize, is that falls as your age increases really is a HUGE cause in deaths. Hip fractures and injuries from falls cause a major decline in health as we age and it is so important to take care of your bones and muscles now to help prevent that.
I learned that you need to not only incorporate weights but also bands and other resistance training as a whole if you want to build muscle. You also need to make sure you are not in a calorie deficit, feed those muscles- make sure you are getting 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of. body weight. Within 30 minutes from the end of your workout, get those carbs in.
I think for me, I have really wanted to get into lifting weights at the gym, but my biggest issue was not knowing if I was lifting properly, or even where to begin. How much should I be lifting? How often?
Cindy Boyle
Resistance Training
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