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9 Towers Commonwealth

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9 towers is a platform designed to help you generate the kind of wealth in your life you believe you are worth.


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Three Roads Tribe (Free)

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58 contributions to Three Roads Tribe (Free)
He didn't want me to ruin his life
Some years ago, I had a coaching client who had the epiphany (thanks to one of my emails) that his ability to provide for his family was directly impacted by his mindset. He finally realized: Bad mindset = No Money... (and often times) = Bad Life He had a growing family and just couldn't see how his inability to start his days with a smile would control his bottom line. That's when I introduced what I now call the Three Roads System. This system shows people: - How being a miserable f*ck compromises how one engages obstacles. - How being lazy, or even physically unhealthy, sabotages alliances before they've even begun. - Why knowing what you're doing tomorrow is better than every long-term plan you'll ever design. - Why being consistent makes one a more effective leader than being right will. - And only about a hundred other tactics, rules, and observations. My client realized the change he needed to make and thought it was too much. "Surely, this is too much", he probably said. "It isn't too much, and don't call me Shirley", I definitely didn't reply. Joking aside, different outcomes require different investments so, yeah, change is mandatory. Check out the video HERE that describes the path in usable detail. Already serious about the outcomes of your efforts? Then upgrade your account HERE and work with my team and me directly to make the necessary changes to your mindset, alliances, and business!
New comment Apr 22
He didn't want me to ruin his life
3 likes • Apr 22
I had a dream last night that you started your own paratrooper school. Training people to become "Airborne" how fitting. Wasn't particularly easy but it was sure as hell high adventure
Something I struggle with is how the hell do I be honest without being a bold asshole? I have this internal conflict of thoughts where I don’t feel I should have to filter what I’m saying to anybody but at the same time I know that words can damage. I’m sure the straight forward answer I’m gonna get is gonna be something along the lines of learning how to communicate assertively yet authentically. A part of me even thinks “why the hell should I even have to learn to do that?” Maybe I’m just young and my ego is big. I understand the value of relationships and how important communication is but maybe I still haven’t fully internalized it because if I’m not being honest with someone in the way that I really want to be honest with them then it physically manifests as a tension in my throat like someone is choking me. Hah! Maybe some of you have even experienced this. If there’s something in the classroom that can help let me know, or if any of you have any personal experience overcoming this let me know as well. Like I said I do see and understand the importance of relationships and communication but that brutally honest part of me in my head is still running strong and conflicting with trying to filter myself in a way that won’t damage my relationships.
New comment Jan 18
4 likes • Jan 17
One of the most important things you can cultivate is developing that insight and creating for yourself an impressive vocabulary. Then read the win without pitching manifesto. Then read Eckhart tolles a new earth. You'll see why it's so hard not to just boldly blurt out the truth. 1st principle of leadership. Know yourself and seek self improvement.
Holiday Spirit.
Someone near and dear to me said that they didn't feel the holiday spirit like they have before. Now, it would be easy to dismiss them and tell them to grow up! I took a different approach. As we become more mature and jaded to these holiday rituals we should remind our selves that this 'holiday spirit' this person referred to is not something we are entitled to. What we do for others during this time is how we earn this feeling of 'holiday spirit'. Bring smiles to those around you and you can find that youthful 'holiday spirit' you may be searching for!💪 I'm no @Bryan WIlton with words, but I felt inclined to share.
New comment Dec '23
4 likes • Dec '23
Did good far as I'm concerned
The Broken Heart
There are very few things in life that will so completely throw a person off course as a break up. The separation from someone we believed we loved. There are times when it feels as if the word “FOOL” is stamped in neon colors right across our forehead. There is invariably a moment when we have to struggle with the idea of “I wasn’t enough”. That we weren’t handsome or pretty enough, that our weight was an issue, that we didn’t make enough money, that we just didn’t cut the mustard in some regard. That we just were not enough of whatever to be what we needed to be for this person towards whom we had such deep feelings. So not only is our heart ripped out we are also left with the sordid information that we aren’t good enough. There are a couple of choices at this crossroads. One may begin to try to understand the opposite sex. To outline their failings and perhaps get a glimpse into their thought process in order to be a masterful manipulator of the next victim in line. There are whole schools of thought on this. Feminism and the Red Pilled community are the prime examples of the war between the sexes. Both of whom need to get laid. Or, one may begin a serious routine of physical improvement. Training to be the prettiest peacock in the bar. Strong and fit. The handsome man with athletic thighs as the song goes. Or a beauty routine to have the greatest gams and glutes on the market. Surely we will then be enough for someone. NO! Wrong answer! The problem is that we are still waiting on someone else to tell us we are enough. Do you know why confidence is one the sexiest attribute men or women possess? Because it means we are not cornered into playing this little game that is akin to Olympic level mental gymnastics telling someone everyday that they are enough. An encounter with a person who is still playing this game is demanding that someone else shoulder the burden of carting around their ego. Here I am! I am all that you desire and you will placate my ego on the daily by reminding me how great I am.
You asked for it
The biggest shock most people have when they begin to build their own enterprise is the amount of time they need to dedicate to it. It is hard. It is even harder to find individuals who will commit to your cause in the same fashion that you have. There is no free time, or days off, the money can be tight, or worse there could be lots of it. The new business becomes a relationship in its own right. Full of life experiences and challenges that are rewarding opportunities for growth. It is an uncomfortable experience. Your family will doubt you. Probably because they know you. They will have seen a hundred times where something was started and never finished. Or, some vice perhaps that may cause a downfall. You know it, they know it and it is the biggest hurdle you will have to overcome. Making it worse is the reaction to a failure. But for some reason an idea may have settled in your thought process that you can do this, whatever it is. That you have what it takes to go and make it happen. A students teach, B students work for C students because they were too stupid to know it couldn’t be done and they went and did it. You see, there is no need to reinvent the wheel. There is an abundace of formulas, recipes for success, and plans, that will show you the way. Some of the best can be found right here in TRT. It will all be on your shoulders thuough. Win, lose, or draw, it is up too you. And it will take every ounce of your being to learn how to become responsible for the struggle you are about to engage in. I knew a man once who walked away from a good paying job because he wanted more. He started a store that sold mattresses. He told me that one day his wife asked him why he was working so hard to sell these mattreses, why so much for advertising. He told her that if we don’t sell this many mattresses by Friday, we don’t eat next week. That is pressure. You either rise up to meet the occassion or you go back to working a job. My friend is a wealthy man today. Bills are of no concern to him. By all yardsticks with which we measure financial independence he is there.
New comment Dec '23
You asked for it
1-10 of 58
Bryan WIlton
1,490points to level up
The foundation of the 9 towers ideology sprung out of a desire to help men build a solid foundation for life.

Active 151d ago
Joined Oct 6, 2023
Hibbing MN
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