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Traffic & Conversions

Private • 25 • $1/m

Welcome to Traffic & Conversions. This is the place you come to solve all your Skool Community traffic and conversion problems in record time 🚀


The Skool Games

Private • 18.8k • Free

Skool Community

Public • 140.2k • Paid (FREE)

Public • 6.3k • Free

High-Ticket Synthesizer Skool

Private • 12.7k • Free

Faceless Creators

Private • 7.2k • Free


Public • 622 • Free


Public • 6.4k • Free

AMZ FBA Business Accelerator

Private • 9 • Free

162 contributions to Skool Community
Are you the Main Character or a NPC? 🧐
In life, you can either be the main character or just a background player an NPC (non-player character). The main character drives the story, makes decisions, and actively shapes their path. NPCs, on the other hand, just follow along, reacting to what happens around them without taking control. The key difference? Intention. When you live like the main character, you take ownership of your goals, your challenges, and your growth. Stop letting life "happen to you" and start CREATING the life YOU want. Don’t just exist in someone else’s story step up, take the lead, and shape your own life! SKOOL Helps you do that! LETS LEAD our people!! WHO IS WITH ME?!?!?!?!?
New comment 1m ago
 Are you the Main Character or a NPC? 🧐
1 like • 31m
@Dr. Stephen Buscema my timeline was by March 🤣 and I am open to anything! Let's do it
1 like • 5m
@Dr. Stephen Buscema let's see what the universe has in store
What is the Speed Runners Program?
Can anybody explain to me this new Skool program in a basic broken-down way? Would love to know and participate in this if possible.. I'm still pretty green to Skool though.
New comment 1h ago
What is the Speed Runners Program?
1 like • 1h
@Raquaza Moss 😃
0 likes • 1h
@Raquaza Moss pleasure!
From $150k in Debt to Right Here, Right Now (thank you, Skool Fam)
4 years ago I found myself $150k in debt The anniversary is coming up in a few days I went from a $500,000 ARR business to that reality within 2 months In 2016 I started a Youth Development Centre We grew to 6-fig in 6 months - and continued growing from there We mentored international, national and youth level athletes When COVID hit we lost 85% of our revenue overnight All our school contracts and sporting contracts were null and void We couldn't recover I made mistakes on risk management I'll never make again After the doors closed it took me a month to process and stabilise I was in a place where I had no thing except the skills I'd acquired I went all in on writing copy I freelanced and consulted Over the next four years I'd quickly scale back up to ~$150k I paid off the debt I worked with some fucking banger companies I flew around the world to write It was fucking epic Then in 2022 I was offered an opportunity It felt too good to be true at the time (turns out it was ... remember, there's always a trade off) It was with an agency that had generated $2.3B at the time I'd be a Marketing Exec, Copy Chief and manage millions on ad spend every month while managing a team of creatives It was like tapping into the matrix - personal & professional growth wise We'd routinely turn $100k spend into 7 figures, and take companies from $50k/mo to $100k/wk in a few months It taught me a lot ... and one thing in particular about myself My highest values in life are freedom and mentoring Helping others makes my cup overflow I couldn't keep up the 3am client calls I couldn't keep up the 18 hr days, 7 days a week I couldn't keep working to build someone else's dream So I transitioned away earlier this year I burned everything to the ground Started from zero again I took a forced sabbatical For months I'd start building something and then stop It never felt right The one thing I was looking for was a community of ambitious people chasing their very best self
New comment 2h ago
From $150k in Debt to Right Here, Right Now (thank you, Skool Fam)
1 like • 3h
@Chanin Zellner as I am for you 😃
0 likes • 3h
@Catherine Baliikya it certainly is
Promoting Your Free Community The Right Way
this is a very contrarian approach BUT if it works for @Ted Carr - i’m burning the boats and going all in the sample size so far from personal experience is small but it’s proving to be a great way to solve a “low traffic” problem earlier this week i was listening to a skool stories episode from feb @Matthew Thompson did a short 12 min episode with ted at the end, ted dropped a bomb it’s about how he’d promote his free community (it’s also in the teaser for this upcoming episode Matt shared the other day) what made it such a bomb was … … ted said he wouldn’t promote his free community and it made complete sense people don’t want a free community they want value they want an outcome they want a big, bold, promise so that’s what ted suggested doing instead and then just driving them to the free community to get it what does this look like? let’s say you created a youtube video and it rips you want to drive people who consume it to your skool community instead of wording the C2A as “go check out my free skool community for more XYZ”, you frame it like this … … I just created this XYZ that dives even deeper into [topic discussed]. It’s yours free, go here to get it [link to your community] the framing is the thing that is key here when people hear or read the second C2A their focus is on the freebie that’s a REALLY low barrier of entry action they’ve likely done it hundreds of times before it’s a natural, everyday thing for them they get something of value (your YT video) they’re promised something with MORE value they go get it when people hear or read a C2A with “free community” in it - there’s more friction they have a completely different relationship with “free community” than they do with “free guide” or “free course” or “training”, etc absolute BANGER (thanks @ted carr) now, you might be asking “but if they expect a free resource and land on my free community about page, won’t they be a little pissed?”
New comment 3h ago
1 like • 3h
@Angela S pleasure. I'm grateful you found this helpful!
0 likes • 3h
@Gary Ma shows the power of "framing" and "packaging" what you say! I see what you did there 😉
Pivot or push?
What an annoying spot to be. I have a community of 200+ couples centered around unique date ideas. These are couples wanting to have more fun together. Jumping on calls with these members and asking entrance questions, these members have 2 things in common: 1.) they want more MEANINGFUL ways to spend time together 2.) some want to grow closer So quickly recapping 1.) I can EASILY get members in my free 2.) they LOVE the community 3.) they have a problem I’ve identified. However now we get to the issue… I can’t monetize. I tried a high ticket coaching and was met with disgust on all calls, and I even offered it for free.. I tried a community TEACHING how to create goals (this is absolutely the answer to their problems). No sales And now I’m at my favorite solution, which people LOVE when it’s free but now that it’s $5 no one will buy (it’s a game. A game to complete real life goals together and earn rewards basically) In all cases - it IS the solution to their problems. With this info, I stand not knowing which direction to walk 1.) does my about page SUCK? I followed all advise on Skool. VSL, preaching BENEFIT over FEATURE, it’s been peer edited. 2.) do I somehow find a different way to monetize…? I feel like I’m exhausting all avenues and I don’t know how to find new ones. 3.) when do I say that this just isn’t the best way to monetize? I know Hormozi and ovens says ANYthing can be monetized here so I don’t want to give up… but is there a point you just need to pivot? So stuck rn. I’m going to keep pushing and doing SOMETHING, but dang.
New comment 3h ago
0 likes • 22h
@Chase Taake what are their actual problems? (the top 3 to 5 that have come up most consistently) from what you've written above, I imagine they're lacking the ideas or knowledge of how to (a) spend more meaningful time together [they lack ideas] and (b) growing closer [which is solved by figuring out (a)] if that's the case, would they value a low-ticket community where every week there are X different ideas of different "themes/kinds" they can do that week to actually spend more meaningful time together? also, on your FT Adventures page there's a huge focus on FUN - but nowhere above did you mention that word. you've got this as a value point "Ever growing list of unique, unforgettable date ideas to relight the spark" ... but what if it were framed as X new ideas each week to spend meaningful time together so you never have the same date twice just brainstorming :) there IS a way to monetise this. with more context and info comes more, better clarity
0 likes • 6h
@Chase Taake does the word "adventure" resonate with your audience and it's something they actually use and want? 1000% man. It's honestly all an experiment. Finding the right angle is key, and then doubling down on it 😀
1-10 of 162
Nick Maier
1,250points to level up
First-Class Copywriter & Advertiser. $500M+ client revenue. Building Traffic & Conversions 🚀🚀🚀

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Joined Aug 13, 2024
Newcastle, Australia
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