1d ago (edited) in Something fun!
From $150k in Debt to Right Here, Right Now (thank you, Skool Fam)
4 years ago I found myself $150k in debt
The anniversary is coming up in a few days
I went from a $500,000 ARR business to that reality within 2 months
In 2016 I started a Youth Development Centre
We grew to 6-fig in 6 months - and continued growing from there
We mentored international, national and youth level athletes
When COVID hit we lost 85% of our revenue overnight
All our school contracts and sporting contracts were null and void
We couldn't recover
I made mistakes on risk management I'll never make again
After the doors closed it took me a month to process and stabilise
I was in a place where I had no thing except the skills I'd acquired
I went all in on writing copy
I freelanced and consulted
Over the next four years I'd quickly scale back up to ~$150k
I paid off the debt
I worked with some fucking banger companies
I flew around the world to write
It was fucking epic
Then in 2022 I was offered an opportunity
It felt too good to be true at the time (turns out it was ... remember, there's always a trade off)
It was with an agency that had generated $2.3B at the time
I'd be a Marketing Exec, Copy Chief and manage millions on ad spend every month while managing a team of creatives
It was like tapping into the matrix - personal & professional growth wise
We'd routinely turn $100k spend into 7 figures, and take companies from $50k/mo to $100k/wk in a few months
It taught me a lot ... and one thing in particular about myself
My highest values in life are freedom and mentoring
Helping others makes my cup overflow
I couldn't keep up the 3am client calls
I couldn't keep up the 18 hr days, 7 days a week
I couldn't keep working to build someone else's dream
So I transitioned away earlier this year
I burned everything to the ground
Started from zero again
I took a forced sabbatical
For months I'd start building something and then stop
It never felt right
The one thing I was looking for was a community of ambitious people chasing their very best self
People who saw the world the way I did and wanted more for themselves
You fantastic people, have given me that
When we look back on our lives we often see "seasons"
For me
  • season 1 was the youth academy days
  • season 2 was the debt and freelancing days
  • and season 3 was the agency days ...
now, there's a new season blossoming
And it's going to be the best one yet so far
And to everyone else here in the Games Fam that's committed, engaging, and getting after it
And I'd love to know:
  • what season are you currently in, in your own life?
  • what GIF best represents it?
Thank you for being here with me πŸ™
Let's get it! 😀😀
Nick Maier
From $150k in Debt to Right Here, Right Now (thank you, Skool Fam)
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