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13 contributions to KetoforCancer
Prevent your mitochondria from "breaking bad"!
As we have a lots of new members since last time I talked about it and since the RockSolid movie on the channel is already some months ago, I'd like to repost this video once again. Yes, maybe some of you will be annoyed but I think this has to be understood properly: Excess Omega 6s will damage your mitochondria, and that is probably the reason 1) That some of you got cancer in the first place (below 70, no alcohol&smoking) and 2) Cancer recurrence exists, even after a super successful surgery. (Not only do Omega 6s directly damage the Cardiolipin, there is a whole host of other compounds that our body turns into highly toxic compounds when eaten in excess, like HNE or Aldehyde) Is there proof for this in humans? Well, maybe you have heard of chinese women that get lung cancer in rising numbers, despite not being smokers? Cooking oils! Or maybe you heard of the rising cancer rate in the youth? Due to the now "en vogue" vegan diet, all the fats come from plants! Everybody should read the paper about the connection of seed oils on cardiolipin structure in this paper here - I don't think that the researchers expected such results themselves, otherwise they would have had a 3rd group with a moderate amount of sunflower oil: ... and then watch the RockSolid diet movie, and maybe have a good laugh :-) The ebook with he sources I took all the linoleic acid values from is also in the classroom: In the video, I talk about a max of 10 grams a day. That is an average for both sexes. For men with cancer, the limit should rather be 7-8 grams, for women, 5-6 grams. Lower is better! A quick overview calculator is here,
New comment 3h ago
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@Johnny Rockermeier Very useful! You also mention aldehyde. How about the theory that fungus are behind many ca? Like, candida creating biofilm, fermenting sugar and damping aldehyde... It fits in with concept of a microenvironment with inflammation that T-cells cannot penetrate due to acidification and biofilms. Could pieces of these things travel in the blood?
1 like • 6h
@Johnny Rockermeier I totally understand, and adherence to Seyfried's theory brings focus and measurement, much needed given so much individual variations out there. Sometimes another theory seems 'richer' because it mentions more traits but imho this author may just be describing inflammation stories out of thousands that are possible. Simpler and condensed is better, I get that. It is not a new theory after all (otherwise I would get impressed with dr Peter Attia 'describing' a bunch of correlations, and I am not). But dr Agostino in Vincent's interview did mention his own N=1 story relating permeability in his own gut with hsrcp spikes that somehow he is able to measure at home, after eating something bad/unusual after a trip. He must be thinking of a basic mechanism leading to inflammation (and ca), but he does not have the same precise measurement of cell membrane as in the omega-6 case. So why not try to prevent the chronic, huge half-live of omega-6, the chronic aldehyde-fungus problem and the ocasional acute gi issue after a trip? They all seem to fit in Seyfried's theory after all. Sorry for the long reply :)
Hey all, just wanted to say hi. I just came across this community abou a week ago when I saw one of Jason's interview with Dom on YouTube. And wow, lots of good info. So just wanted to introduce myself. I was diagnosed in June with Mucosal Melanoma. Had radiation and now have a PET scan coming up in November. I'm currently doing Keto but still have higher glucose numbers, so trying to get that dialed in. I have some MBZ on it's way but just learning that I didn't quite get enough of a dose, so going to get that upped. Anyway, great community and I look forward to learning all I can.
New comment 1d ago
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Welcome Josh! I joined it recently as well. There is this drive to report scientific findings, with attention to the kinds of models, whether performed or not on 'keto condituons', not to mention costs etc, even for supplements. I find this impressive. It can be lonely out there sometimes, but connecting with this group can fix things.
2 likes • 1d
@Fitch T Hi, this is one of the 'unsaid' things in this journey, captured now in your short but elegant words. I found it similar to getting a phd in another country. You are by yourself in many senses, most of what you see and read disagrees with what you are doing. One has to find support in logic and abstract rewards from going deeper on ocasions than people around you. That is why, imho, that most of us identify with the natural but yet steep loneliness dr Seyfried goes through in his scientific battle. Even his jokes seems out of place haha. But in this group, no, not here, not now. We have rock solid Johnny. Haha. About social media? I am not sure what to think. Next day Peter Attia tells followers to 'optimize' health by doing hbot the price of sessions will double up... I guess I prefer lonely, haha, he'll never be a Seyfried anyway. Hang in there friend. Buy the way, my wife is a chef. She could not understand someone watching Seyfried's vídeos ten times and got (very) nervous with it, but on the other hand hit a keto plan with precision. Haha. Cheers
Supplement / Drug Poll: What do you suggest?
So as the basic information in the classroom is halfway done, on what other compound shall I focus to go into deep research on? Asked differently: Which compound do you think will bring the most "bang for your buck" when curing cancer? If available, post some research on the substrate, humans studies in vivo would of course would be best, although they won't be without soc / will not have been made with the patients in ketosis, I guess. So, what is your favorite? :-p
25 members have voted
New comment 2d ago
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@Stuart Briscoe Already available for sale? Shall I predict prices will triple soon? How they compare with don bang for the buck? I am also curious about shell life from an investiment perspective, if you know what I mean... Very interesting information! Many thanks
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Of course sometimes a study sudenly shows up at the same time a company pitchs a sale... That is why this group is priceless... One needs contradicting views hey?!
New Member
Hi I'm Kitty, 😺 2 days away from my 1 month of diagnosis of not yet metastasized Cancer - I have a 7 year old little girl, and I'm a single mama so .. fighting to live for her :) Been carnivore since December 2023, (mostly) While it gave me 16 cures and even more improvements, not convinced it can cure cancer: esp after my week study of Seyfried and learning about glutamine. That might make sense, tho mine is supposed to be glucose dependent. Currently fasting, day 3. (aiming for 21 days but not pressuring myself). And I'm here to learn :D - Kitty, from New Zealand. p.s. I am going to refuse chemo and radio, and fight for the cure myself. I still haven't found an open minded doctor, met 5 so far. :/ So if anyone knows - how i could look, I'd love to know! My mother just died from an immunology treatment, so I probably won't do that either. But at least there are options 😸 I did tell her about Seyfried while she was alive, but alas. 💗
New comment 5d ago
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Welcome! Congrats on your research. I started OMAD and found piece of mind that way to imagine and execute keto. It was reassuring to learn my lesion was 'week' when removed with good margin 2 months later. Of course each history is different. As we say here, lots of N=1 experiments. Mine had IV vit C and viscum album. Later mebendazole and a focus on supplements that could drive proteine C reactive marker to normal. It seems that 15x daily fish oil with propolis did the charm after 3 months. Chronic inflammation and glutamine should be considere imho. Likewise, starting meben and preparing a strategy to secure don and hbot. No hurry in finding a good doctor. You will beat this, I can tell
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@Kitty Freeman Hi, mebendazol, there are many posts about it, even people doing ivermec. The other thing is indeed a blood test, with hs -- highly sensitive -- as a qualifier. Perhaps hsrcp? Doctors in your region might prefer other markers. My onco never discussed them though. But I did see doctors from australia conjecturing that inflammation prevents killer cells from doing their job. Dr Seyfried also talks about this microenvironment with inflammation around lesions and how, instead of T-cells, you get another type, macrophages, that, after fusing with malignant cells, could be facilitating tissue invasion elsewhere (mets). I am not a doctor, but I thought one should follow debates about these "micro" processes. I am paying attention, for instance, to conjectures about fungus (e.g. Candida) building biofilms, fermenting sugar and producing a type of alcohol which is highly cancerigenous, fitting this way this inflammed microenvironment story.
New Member
Hi members. I am battling a spinal tumor that keeps regrowing after surgeries or radiation. I am interested to lean about the keto diet with the hope of stopping or slowing down further regrowth. To complicate matter I have been diagnosed with Fructose Mal absorption.Otherwise I am in good health.
New comment 13h ago
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Welcome. There are a lot of resources here indeed.
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Ricardo Cavalcanti
42points to level up
Starting my learning curve about how to measure chronic inflammation, and improve nutrition and body mass within PP protocols

Active 1h ago
Joined Aug 30, 2024
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