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Three Roads Tribe (Free)

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79 contributions to Three Roads Tribe (Free)
Powerful Experience
I haven't posted anything on any platform in a while but felt compelled to share an experience that has added strength and value to my life. I attended Pressure Con for the first time and after reviewing my notes, amongst all the valuable insights and lessons shared by MC and those who attended, the most valuable lesson I walked away with is that humility is bullshit. I learned that I must prioritize my personal credit and anchor humility to my growth. Put a spotlight on the best version of what you do. I learned that if I want a better outcome, I must tell myself a better story. Give yourself ways to win and then stack your wins. How we do anything is how we do everything. What a powerful experience, looking forward to attending many more Pressure Con events in the future. If you haven’t attended a Pressure Con event yet, as MC says, “You’re Fucking Up”!
New comment Aug 1
1 like • Aug 1
The three reasons they choose weakness
If you can't see how men are becoming weaker by the moment these days, we're probably not going to find common ground... because you'd be too weak to find it. There are three drivers of today's epidemic of weakness: 1. People are trained to be weak - Never has it been so normal for folks to grow up in an environment where strength is done poorly, if not absent altogether. These days, one's trained not to be strong, but to be entitled to strength being supplied by others. 2. People are encouraged to be weak - If you are surrounded by weak people, weak guidance, advice, and support you will receive. We're now at the point where tools to become strong have been absent for generations in some environments. 3. People are rewarded for being weak - We've lived in a surplus for so long that victimhood has become a virtuous pursuit, with many benefits to be gained from its mastery. In the aquarium, the average commoner eats best when he most prominently conveys his hunger. How does one inoculate himself from the temptations of weakness in an ecosystem that incentivizes it? 1. Install rituals of strength: Lift weights. Train martial arts. Empower your mind. 2. Surround yourself with Crushers  3. Get out of the aquarium mindset and appreciate the adventure life has waiting for you by engaging it! 
New comment May 6
The three reasons they choose weakness
1 like • May 6
I wrote a book last week... because my son needed one.
When I asked my youngest what he was currently reading, he mentioned a book that he'd already read before that he liked as he was without any new books that caught his interest. All of my kids have a reading session every day so they always have their current book. Seeing that he was going back to a book already, I had an idea: Well, I'll just write him a new one. When I was finished some 9 total hours later, "The Quest for the Golden Virtues" was complete. It's only about 7000 words, a "novelette" by author standards, but it was written for pre-teen boys and focuses on sharing the kind of values I support. See, if you wish to call yourself "creative", you need to be a creator. And if a creator is what you claim to be, you must have CREATIONS to show for it. I'm not an incredible author. I can be perfect next time. I will, however, put my doubts aside long enough to express gratitude for all I have by using it to create, every day. I think I'll publish this one, too. Why not? It's been a while since I published Tribalnomics, and that was super fun when I did. Moral of the Story? When you're trying to solve a problem for others, what you create will inherently have value. THIS is being an entrepreneur. I'll keep you updated on the book's process. I'll also be doing a training on my Quick Book Method on the Three Roads Mastermind group later this month. All members of the group get access for free. Interested? Sign up today and you'll get a jump start by gaining access to the community, trainings, and 3 LIVE zoom calls I do every week! Go HERE and check it out. All members can cancel at ANY time.
New comment May 6
I wrote a book last week... because my son needed one.
1 like • May 6
I used MC’s example to write my own book which is currently awaiting publication by Winged Hussar Publishing. If you want to do the same make sure you check out his book writing seminar today. He knows the way.
Name: Chad Taylor Location: Noblesville, Indiana Biggest Strength: My ability to collaborate. I am great at being part of a team! Current "Future" Strength: Avoiding Shiny Object Syndrome What Inspired You to Join the TRT: I strive to support all of MC's projects! I am also making a more intentional effort with the mission of Pressure to Power as I continue to climb the Ladder of Strength. I am looking forward to connecting/reconnecting with many of the brothers I've had the privilege to get to know over the years. As I continue to foster those relationships, already made, I aim to find ways to be useful to the tribe and forge new alliances. I have expressed my gratitude to MC in the past but as a long-time supporter of MC's work, it is important to me that I take the opportunity and say "thank you", again. After all these years, it is still amazing to me just how much impact 'a guy I stumbled across' while researching homeschooling in the fall of 2014 has had on my life. Starting with that early episode (of what was then known as The Pressure Project) on homeschooling, to attending that first PressureCon, and now joining Three Roads Tribe, and everything in-between, MC and the work he does has been instrumental in so many of my successes and I am beyond grateful. After the better part of 10 years all I can do is continue to say, "thank you, MC!".
New comment Jan 8
2 likes • Jan 4
I compiled a list of 47 different AI tools and separated them by category so you can start crushing your content even more! Check it out HERE!
New comment Jan 14
1 like • Jan 4
1-10 of 79
Rich Curren
226points to level up
Brothers. Here to level up and continue my climb on the ladder.

Active 50d ago
Joined Oct 2, 2023
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